Non-communication andlackofattentionarecommonlymentionedasmotivesfordivorce.
Aspokeswomandeniedthat thecompanyhad acultureof noncommunication.
- Non-communication in afamilycan haveseriousconsequencesfor everyoneinvolved.
- Myquestionsabout herprivatelifeweremetby abarrieroffriendlynon-communication.
- Thefamilywastornapartbycrisisand non-communication.
- Ilivedin astateofsullennoncommunication with myneighbours.
Falling silent and not speaking
- be (on) non-speakersidiom
- bite
- bitesomethingback
- button your lipidiom
- clam
- clam up
- draw
- gob
- have nothing to say foryourselfidiom
- mouth
- speak
- speechless
- speechlessly
- speechlessness
- stick
- stick insomeone'sthroatidiom
- tongue-tied
- unavowed
- unmentioned
- wordless