uk/ˈdreɪ.nər/us/ˈdreɪ.nɚ/drainernoun[C](RELEASING LIQUID)
aframemade ofplastic,metal, orwood,placedon thesurfacenext to asinktoholdthings while theydry:
Jimwashedup hiscupcarefullyandplacedit in theplasticdrainer.

Nicholas Free/E+/GettyImages
asurfacenext to asinkwhereplates,knives,forks, etc. arelefttodryafter they have beenwashed:
Thesinkisstainlesssteelwith anintegralstainlesssteeldrainer.
acontainerwithholesforlettingliquidrunout of something:
This is a veryclevervegetabledrainer whichclipson topansso you do not need acolander.
apersonwhosejobis todrainwater(=allowit toflowaway)from anarea:
He wasworkingas a drainer on abuildingsite.
- It's abeautifulkitchenbut I don't like thecheapplasticdishdrainer on theworktop.
- Justleavethecleanplateson the drainer.
- Theunitconsists of asinkand drainer withcupboardsbeneath.
- Thebottlesarewashedand put into drainers, which are just abigpieceofwoodwithholescutin, anddriedover theheat.
- Put thecookedspinachinto a drainer andsqueezetoremoveas muchwateraspossible.
- You canbuyyogurtdrainers, whichlooklike acoffeefilterwith anextremelyfinemeshfabricinside.
- Thelocalsweresuspiciousof the drainers who came todrainthemarshes.
Washing the dishes
- dish
- dish soap
- dishcloth
- dishrag
- dishtowel
- drainboard
- draining board
- draining rack
- handwash
- pan scourer
- roller towel
- scouring pad
- scrubber
- sink
- sink unit
- tea cloth
- tea towel
- washing-up
- washing-up liquid
- waste disposal
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
General and miscellaneous containers
Building: construction work & workers
drainernoun[C](TAKING ENERGY)
something thattakesa lot ofpowerfrom abattery(= adevicethatproduceselectricitytoprovidepowerforphones,cars, etc.), so that in the end it uses it all up:
Just beawarethat having someappspermanentlyconnectedonyourphonecan be abatterydrainer.
something or someone that uses a person'senergyso that theyfeelverytiredor lesspowerful:
Constantly having toproveyourself is anemotionaldrainer.
In herbooksheadvisesyou how todealwith "drainers" atwork,peoplewhosuckyourenergyandslowyou down.
Physics: energy, force & power
- anti-gravity
- attract
- attraction
- bar magnet
- barometric pressure
- dynamo
- fundamental force
- G-force
- gravitational
- high-impact
- incident
- meltdown
- propulsion
- stored energy
- surface tension
- thermodynamic
- transduce
- transduction
- unexcited
- unipolar
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Tired and making tired