draught excluder
UKuk/ˈdrɑːft ɪkˌskluː.dər/us/ˈdræft ɪkˌskluː.dɚ/alongobjectthat is put against thebottomof adoortostopcoldairfromenteringaroom
larigan - Patricia Hamilton/Moment Open/GettyImages
material, such asrubberorplastic, that isfixedin along,thinstriparound theedgesofdoorsorwindowstostopcoldairfromenteringaroom
(橡胶或塑料制成的门窗)挡风条Furniture & fittings - general words
- appointed
- bamboo
- built-in
- caning
- castor
- fitted
- fitting
- fixture
- flatpack
- foldable
- folding
- hostess trolley
- ionizer
- overequipped
- pullout
- radiogram
- self-assembly
- space-saving
- sprung
- sunshade
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Parts of buildings: windows & parts of windows
Parts of buildings: doors & parts of doors