UKuk/ˈdʌst.bɪn/us/ˈdʌst.bɪn/(USgarbage can,trash can)B1
alargecontainerforrubbishfrom ahouseor otherbuilding, usually made ofstrongplasticormetalandkeptoutside
asituationin which something is nolongerconsideredfashionableorimportantand isthereforenot used,talkedabout, etc.:
Full-blownsocialismis nowtossedin the dustbinofhistory.
Thehippyera- after solongin theculturaldustbin - hasbecomeasubjectof muchfascination.
- Aquarterof thecontentsof anaveragefamily's dustbin isorganicmatter.
- I waswokenup by acoupleofdrunkslarking around with a dustbin in thestreet.
Containers for waste
- ashcan
- bag
- bin
- bin bag
- bin liner
- bottle bank
- dustbin bag
- garbage bag
- garbage can
- litter bin
- litter box
- skip
- trash bag
- trash can
- trash can liner
- waste bin
- wastebasket
- wheelie bin