Dutch baby
USuk/ˌdʌtʃ ˈbeɪ.bi/us/ˈdʌtʃ ˌbeɪ.bi/atypeofpancake(= athin, roundcakemade from amixtureofflour,milk, andegg)cookedin theovenso itswellsup, usuallyflavouredwithvanillaandcinnamon(= asweetspice)andservedwithlemonjuiceandsugarontop:
荷兰宝贝薄煎饼,荷兰宝贝松饼The PancakeHousemakes both aplainDutchbabyand asimilarpancakewithappleslices.煎饼屋既做普通的荷兰宝贝薄煎饼,也做另一种带苹果片的类似的薄煎饼。

photo by Pam Susemiehl/Moment/GettyImages
- I haven't had aDutchBaby for too long—I'll make one thisweekend.
- She told me it was a BlueberryDutchBaby and I wasthinkingabout it allday.
- For aclassicDutchBaby,sprinklewithfreshlysqueezedlemonjuicethendustthetopwithpowderedsugar.
- They havehotcakes($6-8.50),plainor withblueberryorbananapecan,dutchbabies, and yeastedwaffles.
- ADutchbabypancakeis asweetbreakfastdishmade witheggs,flourandmilk.
Pancakes & batter
- batter
- bhaji
- blini
- churro
- crepe
- crêpe Suzette
- flapjack
- fritter
- galette
- griddle cake
- hoecake
- johnnycake
- latke
- pakora
- pancake
- polenta
- toad-in-the-hole
- waffle
- Yorkshire pudding