Dutch crunch
US(alsodutch crunch)atypeofsoftwhitebreadthat has acrust(= a hardoutsidelayer)that ismarkedwith apatternoflinesandirregularroundshapes:
荷兰脆皮面包Here's how to makeyourownDutchcrunchbread.下面是怎么自己来做荷兰脆皮面包。
May I have adeliturkeysandwichondutchcrunch?我可以要一个用荷兰脆皮面包做的熟食火鸡肉三明治吗?
tiger bread

JohnGollop/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- TigerbreadorDutchcrunchis made withsesameoiland with apatternbakedinto thetopmade bypaintingricepasteonto thesurfacepriortobaking.
- Iorderedthechickengarlicpestoon focaccia while myfriendgot the Hawaiianchickenondutchcrunch.
- I get aclubsandwichthereonceaweek- goodportionofmeatand thedutchcrunchisdelicious!
- Dutchcrunchbreadis aSanFranciscobreadsensation!
- Anadama bread
- arepa
- bagel
- baguette
- bannock
- cottage loaf
- crouton
- crumb
- crumpet
- crust
- iced bun
- injera
- johnnycake
- kaiser roll
- lardy cake
- poppadom
- pretzel
- pumpernickel
- roti
- rye bread