uk/ˈdʒuː.tɪ.fəl.i/us/ˈduː.t̬ɪ.fəl.i/in a way thatshowsthat youwanttoobeyand do everything that you areexpectedto do :
尽责地,尽职地Once hebeganhisexperiments, hefollowedeveryscientificleadand dutifullyrecordedhisresults.他一开始实验,就遵循每一条科学线索,尽职尽责地记录结果。
Thomas dutifullytriedtoliveup to his grandfather'swishes.托马斯尽心尽责,努力不辜负祖父的期望。
- Astudyshowedthatevenpeoplewho dutifullyapplysunscreenoften don't use enough to get thefullvalueof the product'sSPF.
- Shecravesattentionfrom herparentsand dutifullytendsto heryoungerbrothers.
- We dutifullyreadeachpieceofworkby Chaucer and Shakespeare and most of usevenenjoyedthem.
- Policeagenciesdutifullyreportarreststo theFBI, but they oftenlosetrackofcaseswhen they go tocourt.
Obedient and compliant
- accordance
- acquiescent
- adherence
- be (like) sheepidiom
- creature
- dutiful
- easy
- follower
- I'm easyidiom
- obedience
- obedient
- pursuant
- sheeple
- slavish
- slavishly
- someone'sanswer tosomeone/somethingidiom
- subservience
- subservient
- tie
- yielding