uk/ˈdʒuː.ti/us/ˈduː.t̬i/dutynoun[C or U](RESPONSIBILITY)
something that you have to do because it ispartofyourjob, or something that youfeelis therightthing to do:
责任;义务The duty of theagencyis toactin thebestinterestsof thechild.这个机构的责任就是为孩子谋取最大利益。
[+ to infinitive]Ifeltit was my dutytotellthem thetruth.我觉得我有责任告诉他们真相。
You have a dutytoyourself to take abreakoncein a while.偶尔你该给自己放个假。
He only went toseeherout ofduty(= because hethoughthe should).他去看她只是出于义务。
You shouldreportforduty(=arriveatwork)at 8 a.m. onMonday.你应该在周一上午8点报到。
Whattimeare youoff/onduty(= when do youfinish/startwork)tomorrow?明天你几点下/上班?
be duty bound to dosomething
to have to do something because it isyourduty:
有义务做…,有责任干…We are dutyboundtojustifyhow wespendourfunds.我们有义务把资金使用情况说清楚。
- Shefeltthat it was her duty totellthepoliceabout theincident.
- It issurelythe duty of thestrongermembersin asocietytohelpthose who areweak.
- I'd befailingin my duty if I didn'ttellyou about therisksinvolvedin theproject.
- He hasfailedtofulfilhis duties as afather.
- During thedispute, manypoliceofficersweretransferredfromtrafficduty to theprisonservice.
Duty, obligation and responsibility
- accountable
- answer forsomething
- answerable
- baby
- brother
- domain
- fail
- gotta
- had better/best dosomethingidiom
- hat
- havesomethingonyourhandsidiom
- hold sb to accountidiom
- payyourduesidiom
- pigeon
- portfolio
- purview
- remit
- responsibility
- someone'sanswer tosomeone/somethingidiom
- stick
dutynoun[C or U](TAX)
ataxpaidto thegovernment,especiallyon things that youbringinto acountry:
税;(尤指进口)关税There's a high dutyonalcohol.酒类的关税很高。
- amortizable
- anti-dumping
- anti-progressive
- anti-tax
- bedroom tax
- fiscal year
- flat tax
- gas tax
- income tax
- sales tax
- self-assessment
- shelter
- sin tax
- source
- taxpayer
- tithe
- top rate
- vat
- VATable