Scottish Englishuk/dʌks/us/dʌks/thebeststudentin aschoolorclass:
MysonArjun was dux at theschool.
The dux of the High School hadsomehowfailedhisHighergeography.
- Heexcelledacademicallyand wasofferedascholarshipto aprivateschoolin Edinburgh, where hebecamejointdux.
- He waseducatedat EdinburghAcademy, where he was dux, and Magdalen College,Oxford.
- Mynamewas the first to go on the Duxboardin the newschoolhall.
- The dux, to whom Ipresentedaprize, was thesonof alocalpolitician.
- Hernameis there on aplaquecommemoratingpast duxes.
Students & pupils
- alumna
- alumnus
- attrition
- batch
- batchmate
- entrant
- graduate
- homeschooler
- infant
- intern
- internship
- learner
- pupil
- schoolboy
- schoolchild
- schoolgirl
- schoolmate
- send
- theologian