medicalspecializeduk/ˌiː ˈdiː/us/ˌiː ˈdiː/abbreviationforerectiledysfunction
勃起机能障碍,勃起无力(erectile dysfunction的缩写)Diseases of the reproductive system
- anti-herpes
- candida
- chlamydia
- clitoridis
- cryptorchidism
- cystocele
- French disease
- herpes
- impotent
- Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome
- Mullerian agenesis
- sexually transmitted disease
- syphilis
- the pox
- thrush
- undescended
- vaginal agenesis
- venereological
- venereologist
abbreviationforeffectivedose: theamountof adrugthatproducestheeffectthat iswanted
有效剂量(effective dose的缩写)Medicines & drugs: administering drugs & medicines
- anaesthesiology
- anaesthetize
- auto-injector
- blood doping
- bolus
- dispense
- inject
- jab
- knocksomeoneout
- lethal injection
- medicated
- microdose
- microdosing
- nebulize
- prescribe
- reinject
- reinjection
- sedation
- self-medicate
- self-medication