abbreviationforelectronicdatainterchange: astandardforexchangingbusinessdocumentsor otherinformationbetweencomputersystems:
Somecompaniesofferedonlineorderingtocustomersusing theInternet, whileothersused EDI.
abbreviationforequality,diversityandinclusion: theideathat allpeopleshould haveequalrightsandtreatmentand bewelcomedandincluded, so that they do notexperienceanydisadvantagebecause ofbelongingto aparticulargroup:
Ourequality,diversityandinclusionpolicysets out how wetryto makesurethat EDI iscentralto everything we do.
- They had nofundingtoaddnewlibrarytechnologiessuch as EDI orvirtualreference.
- Electronicdatainterchange, or EDI, has been in use for sometimebylargerfirmsoverprivatenetworks.
- EDI (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion)aimstoeradicateprejudiceanddiscriminationon thebasisofprotectedcharacteristicswhichincludeage,disability,sex, andrace.
- Find out more aboutimprovingEDI in theworkplace.
- In 2021 theInstitutelauncheditsfirst EDIstrategyandactionplan.
Computer concepts
- 3-D printing
- adaptive learning
- additive manufacturing
- addy
- aeroplane mode
- backup
- capture
- computing
- configuration
- information age
- information security
- information superhighway
- infosec
- internet
- scan
- transcoding
- Trojan horse
- tuple
- Turing Machine
- Turing test
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Human rights
Including and containing
Justice and fairness
Applying for a job