used to show that something is in apositionabove somethingelseandtouchingit, or that something ismovinginto such aposition:
在…上面;到…上面Look at all thebooksonyourdesk!看看你书桌上这么多书!
Ow, you'restandingon myfoot!哎哟,你踩着我的脚了!
Yoursuitcaseis ontopof thewardrobe.你的手提箱在衣柜顶上。
Theylivein thatoldhouseon thehill.他们住在山上的那间旧房子里。
I got on mybikeandleft.我骑上自行车离开了。
- Ahovercrafttravelson acushionofair.
- Don't putyourelbowson thetable.
- Yourdinneris on thetable.
- Theoiltankerranagroundon amudbankinthickfog.
- They'vebuilta newchurchon thesiteof theoldone.
On or off
- astride
- atop
- disengage
- hereon
- on boardidiom
- onto
- thereon
- thereupon
- turn
- turn over
- unlit
- upon
coveringthesurfaceof, beingheldby, orconnectedto something:
Whichfingerdo youwearyourringon?你把戒指戴在哪个手指上?
Can youstandonyourhead?你会倒立吗?
We couldhangthispictureon thewallnext to thedoor.我们可以把这幅画挂在门旁边的墙上。
Dogs should bekeptontheirleashesat alltimes.狗应该一直用皮带拴着。
UKWe've justmovedhouseand we're not on thephone(= notconnectedto thephoneservice)yet.我们刚搬了家,还没有接通电话。
- We get a lot ofcondensationon thewallsin thewinter.
- Thearticlecontinues/iscontinuedonpageten.
- There's a newItalianrestaurantopeningon the highstreet.
- She gave him ahiton theheadthatknockedhimflying.
- Westayedin/at ahotelon theseafront.
On or off
- astride
- atop
- disengage
- hereon
- on boardidiom
- onto
- thereon
- thereupon
- turn
- turn over
- unlit
- upon
used to show when somethinghappens:
(发生)在…时候Hairsalonsdon't usuallyopenonSundays.发廊通常星期天不开门。
What are you doing onFriday?星期五你要干什么?
My birthday's on 30 May.我的生日是5月30日。
Would youmindtellingme what you were doing on theafternoonofFridaythe 13th ofMarch?能否告诉我3月13日星期五下午你在干什么?
Thebellsin theclocktowerringeveryhouronthehour(= atexactlyone o'clock, two o'clock, etc.).钟楼上的钟每小时整点敲响。
On acleardayyou canseethemountainsfrom here.在晴天,从这儿可以看到那些山峦。
She wasdeadonarrival(=deadwhen shearrived)at thehospital.她刚到医院就死了。
Pleaseleaveyourkeyat thereceptiondeskonyourdeparturefrom(= when youleave)thehotel.离开酒店时请把钥匙交到服务台。
- They'redrivingtoScotlandonTuesday.
- Privatecarsarebannedfrom thecityonalternatedays.
- Please make myexcusesat themeetingonFriday.
- We're going on ashoppingexpeditiononSaturday.
- We'vefalleninto thehabitof getting up late onSaturdaymornings.
Describing when something happened or will happen
- at
- at short noticeidiom
- be
- by
- coincident
- for
- hundred
- immediately
- in
- line
- movable feast
- notice
- somewhere along the lineidiom
- space
- time
- timestamp
- up
- within
- zero hour
used to show where something has been written,printed, ordrawn:
(写、印或画)在…上Whichpageis thatcurryrecipeon?那道咖喱菜的做法在第几页?
Hisinitialswereengravedon the back of hiswatch.他姓名的首字母刻在了他手表的后盖上。
What's on themenutonight?(= Whatfoodisavailable?)今晚菜单上有什么菜?
- It says on thelabelthat nopreservativesorartificialcolouringshave beenadded.
- Do yourecognizethe writing on theenvelope?
- This morning'snewspapersallcarrythe samestoryontheirfrontpage.
- Hecarvedhernameon atree.
- Seethearticleonpage4 for moredetails.
On or off
- astride
- atop
- disengage
- hereon
- on boardidiom
- onto
- thereon
- thereupon
- turn
- turn over
- unlit
- upon
used forshowingsomemethodsoftravelling:
She's coming in on the 5.30bus.她将乘坐5点30分的公共汽车到达。
We went to France on theferry.我们是乘渡轮去法国的。
It'd bequickerto get there onfoot.步行到那里更快些。
- We're goingacrossto France on theferry.
- Wefellasleepon thetrainandwokeup tofindourselves in Calais.
- Therailcardallowsstudentsandyoungpeopletotravelhalf-priceon mosttrains.
- I'llcollectyou from thestation. Whichbuswill you be on?
- Thecrowdweresurroundedbypoliceonhorseback.
On or off
- astride
- atop
- disengage
- hereon
- on boardidiom
- onto
- thereon
- thereupon
- turn
- turn over
- unlit
- upon
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
used to show that aconditionorprocessis beingexperienced:
处于…状况(或过程)中Heaccidentallyset hisbedonfire.他无意中烧着了自己的床。
Max's onholidaythisweek.马丁这星期在度假。
I often getcarsickwhen I'm on alongjourney.长途旅行时我常晕车。
Crime is on theincrease(= isincreasing)again.犯罪活动又开始抬头了。
UKTheirflightstoParisare onspecialofferat themoment.他们飞往巴黎的航班目前正在打折。
UKI'll be away on atrainingcoursenextweek.下星期我要外出参加一个培训班。
- Sophiafellill/was takenillwhile onholiday.
- There are fewindications(that) theeconomyis on anupswing.
- We won't be going onholidaythisyear-lackoffunds, I'mafraid.
- The Titanicsankon hermaidenvoyage.
- He often goes away onbusiness.
Experiencing and suffering
- (straight) from the horse's mouthidiom
- afflict
- affliction
- almost/nearly die ofsomethingidiom
- be a martyr tosomethingidiom
- be a victim ofyourown successidiom
- bear
- count
- get the short end of the stickidiom
- get/haveyourfingers burnedidiom
- go through
- grip
- hands-on
- horse
- practical
- run up againstsomething
- seat-of-the-pants
- see lifeidiom
- stricken
- taste
used to show theformin which something isrecordedorperformed:
(记录、录制或演出)以…方式,通过,使用How muchdatacan youstoreon theflashdrive?一张闪存盘上能存储多少数据?
When's themoviecoming out onDVD?这部电影的DVD什么时候出?
I was reallyembarrassedthe firsttimeIsawmyself onfilm.第一次看到自己上电影时,我觉得很尴尬。
What's on TVtonight?今晚电视有什么节目?
Iwishthere was morejazzon theradio.我希望收音机里多播放一些爵士乐。
- Thewholecarcan bemodelledon acomputerbefore asinglecomponentis made.
- He wasclatteringaway on hisoldtypewriter.
- She comesacrossreally well ontelevision.
- Somesoftwarecan beconfiguredtopreventchildrenfrom giving outtheirphonenumberson theinternet.
- Sound andpicturescan bestoreddigitally, as on a CD.
On or off
- astride
- atop
- disengage
- hereon
- on boardidiom
- onto
- thereon
- thereupon
- turn
- turn over
- unlit
- upon
used to show whatcausespainorinjuryas aresultof beingtouched:
在…上(受伤或碰伤)Ihitmyheadon theshelfas I wasstandingup.我站起来的时候,头撞在架子上。
Becarefulnot tocutyourself on thatknife.小心不要被那把刀划伤。
- Shebangedherkneeon theedgeof thedesk.
- Hesmashedhiselbowon thedoor.
- Hescrapedhishandson thepavementwhen hefelloff hisbike.
- Thechefburnedhimself on theoven.
- Sheprickedherfingeron theneedle.
Through, across, opposite and against
- across
- across countryidiom
- against
- agin
- along
- catty-corner
- country
- cross
- front
- give
- kitty-corner
- opposite
- other
- over
- overland
- thru
- to
- trans
to or towards:
在;向,朝,对Ourhouseis the first on theleftafter thepostoffice.我们家是邮局过后靠左第一家。
Theattackon thevillagelastedallnight.对该村庄的进攻持续了一整夜。
Iwishyou wouldn'tsneakup on me like that!我希望你不要那样蹑手蹑脚地靠近我!
- Theroadis the second on theleftpast thechurch.
- His words are anattackonpersonalliberty.
- Take the firstturningon theleft.
- Theysurvivedtheonslaughtofbombingon thevillage.
- We came on them in thewood.
Describing movement towards
- -wards
- -ways
- at
- convergent
- earthward
- facing
- for
- forward
- forwards
- hither
- inwards
- oncoming
- onward
- onwards
- thither
- to
- up
- ward
- way
- wise
Hertalkis onItalianwomen'sliterature.她的论文是关于意大利女性文学的。
Theministerhasrefusedtocommenton theallegations.部长拒绝对指控作出评论。
Criticism has noeffecton him.批评对他不起作用。
Do thepolicehave anything on you(= do they have anyinformationabout you that can be used against you)?警方有没有抓住你什么把柄?
- aboutWe always seem to talk about money.
- regardingI wrote to them regarding the new contract.
- concerningWhat is your letter concerning?
- in/with regard toComplaints have been made with regard to your behaviour in the office.
- in connection withShe is wanted for questioning in connection with the disappearance of their child.
- onShe’s writing a book on feminism in the 21st century.
- He gave me abookongardeningfor mybirthday.
- I've got nothing to say on thematter.
- The second round of thequizwas onsport.
- Thecommitteepublishedahard-hittingreporton the bank'smanagement.
- Thecommitteevotedon theproposal, andaccepteditunanimously.
Regarding and concerning
- about
- apropos
- around
- as toidiom
- be/have something to do withsomethingidiom
- connection
- cover
- department
- hereof
- in respect ofsomethingidiom
- in the brain/looks departmentidiom
- range
- re
- respect
- say
- something
- thereof
- towards
- vis-à-vis
- wise
used to show something for which apaymentis made:
付钱买…;在…上(花费)Hespent€180on ahat.他花180欧元买了一顶帽子。
I'vewasteda lot ofmoneyon thiscar.我在这辆汽车上浪费了许多钱。
We made abigprofiton thatdeal.我们在那笔生意上获利颇丰。
How muchinterestare youpayingon theloan?这笔贷款你要支付多少利息?
- Hespentall hissavingson anexpensivecar.
- Thecouncilhas somesparecashthat itproposestospendonpublicamenities.
- Stevensquanderedhisinheritanceon aseriesofriskybusinessventures.
- She made a lot ofmoneyon thesaleof herhouse.
- Theydecidedtobuythecaroncredit.
Paying money
- advance
- ante up (something)
- balance
- burn a hole insomeone'spocketidiom
- chargeable
- co-finance
- compensate
- congestion charge
- cost-cutting
- cough
- lash
- pay top dollaridiom
- ransom
- settle up
- shortchange
- sink intosomething
- spender
- splash out(something)
- spring forsomething
- stump
used to show apersonor thing that isnecessaryfor something tohappenor that is theoriginof something:
(表示需要或缘由)靠,指望,凭We're relying on you.我们要靠你了。
I might come - itdependson Andrew.我可能会来——这取决于安德鲁。
Mostchildrenremaindependentontheirparentswhile they are atuniversity.大多数孩子上大学期间仍然依赖他们的父母。
Hislatestmovieisbasedon afairytale.他的新电影是根据一个童话故事改编的。
- On whatbasisdid you makeyourdecision?
- The Republicans are relying ontheiragriculturalpoliciestodeliverthefarmers'vote.
- Themeaningof asentenceoftendependsonstressandintonation.
- He's either aheroor avillain,dependingonyourpointofview.
- Oursuccessrestson anincreaseinsales.
Essential or necessary
- basically
- basis
- be a question ofdoing somethingidiom
- box ticking
- business-critical
- dependence
- elemental
- if need beidiom
- if/when push comes to shoveidiom
- incumbent
- indispensable
- inhere insomething
- necessitate
- necessity
- need
- needed
- needful
- owe
- symbiotic
- symbiotically
used to show when someone isinvolvedor takingpartin something:
(表示牵涉或参与其中)在从事…I'mworkingon a newbook.我正在写一本新书。
"Where had we got up to?" "We were onpage42."“我们进行到哪里了?”“我们讲到第42页了。”
- I was on thefinalpageof thebook, when thephonerang.
- Theathletesare on lastlapof therace.
- "Is theshowerfixedyet?" "I'mworkingon it".
- I'm ondutyuntilmidnight.
- I was still on mymaincoursewhen everyoneelsewasorderingdessert.
Taking part and getting involved
- actor
- all in
- along
- attendee
- be (a) party tosomethingidiom
- catch
- concern
- go in onsomething
- hat
- have a horse in the raceidiom
- have skin in the gameidiom
- immersion
- muscle
- neck
- pitch in
- plunge
- plunge in/plunge intosomething
- punch above your weightidiom
- re-engage
- thick
onpreposition(FINANCIAL SUPPORT)
used to show what isprovidingfinancialsupportor anincome:
以…为生,以…为收入I only have $70 aweektoliveon at themoment.目前我每周只靠70美元的收入过活。
Heretiredon agenerouspensionfrom thecompany.他退休后靠公司提供的丰厚退休金生活。
UKShe's on(=earning)£25,000 ayear.她的年收入为2.5万英镑。
- Shelivedon £100 aweekwhen she was astudent.
- Have you got enough toliveon?
- He gets by on a verymodestsalary.
- Newemployeesstarton abasicsalaryof £25,000.
- He's oncommissiononly.
Grants & allowances
- anti-subsidy
- benefit
- benny
- bursary
- cost-of-living allowance
- dearness allowance
- expense
- fellowship
- fringe benefit
- nonforfeiture
- parachute payments
- pension
- personal allowance
- pin money
- redundancy payment
- scrappage
- stipend
- subsidized
- unemployment
- weighting
used to show something that is used asfood,fuel, or adrug:
(指食物、燃料、药物等)用,吃,喝What domiceliveon?老鼠以什么为食?
Does thisradiorunonbatteries?这台收音机是用电池的吗?
Is he ondrugs?他吸毒吗?
- My newcarrunsondiesel.
- Somecalculatorsrunonsolarpower.
- Doesyourcarrunonunleadedpetrol?
- Theenginerunsonhigh-octanepetrol.
- He hadconvertedthemotorso that it couldrunonvegetableoil.
Drug addiction
- abuser
- addictiveness
- anti-crack
- buzzed
- buzzed up
- cold turkey
- crackhead
- dependency
- detox
- druggie
- glue-sniffer
- glue-sniffing
- habit
- hooked
- hophead
- junkie
- pothead
- smackhead
- substance abuser
- substance use disorder
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
onpreposition(NEXT TO)
next to or along thesideof:
靠近,挨着;沿着;在…旁It's asmalltownon the Mississippi River.这是密西西比河上的一座小镇。
Ourhousewas on SturtonStreet.我们的房子在斯特顿大街上。
Strasbourg is on theborderof France and Germany.斯特拉斯堡位于德法边界上。
- Negotiations between the twocountriesare on thebrinkofcollapse.
- Ademilitarizedzonehas beencreatedon theborderbetween thewarringcountries.
- A newcoffeeshopisopeningon the highstreet.
- The Aswan High Dam is on theriverNile in Egypt.
- Theshopfrontoccupiesa veryprominentpositionon themainstreet.
Next to and beside
- abreast
- adjacency
- adjacent
- adjoining
- against
- along
- atsomeone'selbowidiom
- beside
- bordering
- contiguity
- contiguous
- neighbour
- next
- next door
- next door but oneidiom
- non-contiguous
- shoulder
- shoulder to shoulderidiom
- side
- to
used to show when someone is amemberof agroupororganization:
是…的成员;属于…组织Have youeverservedon ajury?你参加过陪审团吗?
There are no women on thecommittee.该委员会没有女性。
How manypeopleare onyourstaff?你有多少职员?
UKShe's aresearcheron a women'smagazine.她在一家女性杂志做调查员。
- He has beenrewardedfor his 20yearsofservicewith aseaton theboard.
- Policeofficersaren't usuallyallowedtoserveon ajury.
- Being on thecommitteeis oneinvolvementI could do without.
- She is on the school'sdevelopmentcommittee.
- He was was of theexpertson apanelappointedtoinvestigatetheaccident.
Supporters, members & defenders
- advocate
- allyship
- anti-evolution
- anti-evolutionary
- anti-evolutionist
- apologist
- apostle
- booster
- cadre
- custodian
- defender
- partisan
- patroness
- protagonist
- recruit
- seconder
- sidekick
- upholder
- votary
- well-wisher
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Named organizations & societies & their members
used when referring to atool,instrument, orsystemthat is used to do something:
(指工具、设备或系统)用,凭借I do all myhouseholdaccountson thecomputer.我用电脑来处理全部的家庭账目。
Chris is ondrumsand Mike's onbassguitar.克里斯打鼓,迈克弹低音电吉他。
I'm on(=talkingon)thephone.我正在打电话。
Using and misusing
- adopt
- adoption
- avail
- availyourselfofsomething
- be/go heavy onsomethingidiom
- exhaust
- go through
- gobblesomethingup
- make capital out ofsomethingidiom
- max
- max out
- recycle
- spare
- swallow
- tap
- trade onsomething
- turn over
- turn tosomeone/something
- turn/usesomethingto good accountidiom
- unblock
used to show when something isrepeatedone or moretimes:
(用于表示一再重复)又,再Thegovernmentsuffereddefeatondefeatin thelocalelections.本届政府在地方选举中一再受挫。
Wave onwaveofrefugeeshascrossedthebordertoescapethefighting.一批又一批的难民为躲避战争而越过边境。
Continually & repeatedly
- (from) hour to houridiom
- 24/7
- ad nauseam
- again
- alway
- always
- hour
- hour after houridiom
- hourly
- immemorial
- jag
- night
- periodicity
- perpetual
- perpetually
- persistently
- quick-fire
- rumble
- streak
- year in, year outidiom
used when making acomparison:
(用于比较)与…相比That's myfinaloffer, and I can'timproveon it.这是我出的最高价,我不可能再提价了。
Themanufacturerhas neverimprovedon theearliestmodelof thecar.制造商从未对最早的车型进行改进。
UKTheproductivityfiguresaredown/upon last week's.与上周相比生产率下降/上升了。
Comparing and contrasting
- analogy
- antithesis
- apple
- as againstidiom
- balance
- balancesomethingagainstsomething
- comparative
- competitive
- competitively
- contradistinction
- contrast
- contrastive
- measure
- nonrelative
- perspective
- relative
- relatively
- relativist
- stack
- stack up
C2[before pronoun]
used to show when someone has something in apocketor in abagthat they arecarrying:
随身携带Do you have asparepenon you?你身上有没有多余的笔?
I don't have mydrivinglicenceon me.我没有带驾驶执照。
Having and owning - general words
- acquire
- acquisition
- attach
- attachsomethingtosomething
- be endowed withsomethingidiom
- bear
- bearer
- carry
- holder
- lay
- lord/master/mistress/king/queen of allyousurveyidiom
- makesomething(all)yourownidiom
- mistress
- not/never want for anythingidiom
- revert
- revert tosomething
- shared ownership
- stakesomethingout
- survey
- they've
happeningafter and usually because of:
在…后;由于Acting oninformationgiven to themanonymously, thepolicearrestedhim.警方根据匿名者提供的消息采取行动,逮捕了他。
Heinheritedaquarterof a millionpoundson his mother'sdeath.他母亲死后他继承了25万英镑。
Ontheirreturntheydiscoveredthattheirhousehad beenbrokeninto.他们回来后发现家里被盗。
Describing when something happened or will happen
- at
- at short noticeidiom
- be
- by
- coincident
- for
- hundred
- immediately
- in
- line
- movable feast
- notice
- somewhere along the lineidiom
- space
- time
- timestamp
- up
- within
- zero hour
used to show who ispayingfor something:
由…支付Dinnermealis on me.这顿饭我付钱。
She had heroperationdone on theNationalHealthService.她享受国民医疗保健制度免费做了手术。
Paying money
- advance
- ante up (something)
- balance
- burn a hole insomeone'spocketidiom
- chargeable
- co-finance
- compensate
- congestion charge
- cost-cutting
- cough
- lash
- pay top dollaridiom
- ransom
- settle up
- shortchange
- sink intosomething
- spender
- splash out(something)
- spring forsomething
- stump
used to show whosufferswhen something does notoperateas it should:
(表示运转出故障时受影响的人)Thephonesuddenlywentdeadon me.我正在打电话,电话突然断了。
Theircarbrokedown on them on the wayhome.他们的汽车在回家的途中抛锚了。
Experiencing and suffering
- (straight) from the horse's mouthidiom
- afflict
- affliction
- almost/nearly die ofsomethingidiom
- be a martyr tosomethingidiom
- be a victim ofyourown successidiom
- bear
- count
- get the short end of the stickidiom
- get/haveyourfingers burnedidiom
- go through
- grip
- hands-on
- horse
- practical
- run up againstsomething
- seat-of-the-pants
- see lifeidiom
- stricken
- taste
used to show thenumberofpointsapersonorteamhas in acompetition:
(竞赛中)得…分Clive'steamis on fivepointswhile Joan's is on seven.克莱夫所在队得5分,琼所在队得7分。
Having and owning - general words
- acquire
- acquisition
- attach
- attachsomethingtosomething
- be endowed withsomethingidiom
- bear
- bearer
- carry
- holder
- lay
- lord/master/mistress/king/queen of allyousurveyidiom
- makesomething(all)yourownidiom
- mistress
- not/never want for anythingidiom
- revert
- revert tosomething
- shared ownership
- stakesomethingout
- survey
- they've
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Winning, losing & scoring in sport
We use at:…On,onto
On and onto are prepositions.…At,onandin(time)
We use at:…Other uses ofinwith time
We use in to say how long it takes someone to do something:…Time expressions withoutat, on, in
We don’t normally use at, on or in before time expressions beginning with each, every, next, last, some, this, that, one, any, all:…At,onandin(time): typical errors
We use on not at to talk about a particular day:…Idioms
on it
on the go
be onsomeone
onyourbodyor someone'sbody:
穿着…地,带着…地It's verycoldsoputacoaton.天很冷,穿上大衣吧。
Shewandersaround thehousewithnothingon.她光着身体在房子里四处走动。
Can yourememberwhat hehadon(= waswearing)?你记得他穿什么衣服吗?
Itriedon a fewjackets, but none of themlookednice.我试了好几件夹克衫,可是都不好看。
coveringthesurfaceof something orconnectedto something:
盖上…地; 连上…地Screw thelidontightly.把盖子紧紧地拧上。
Surgeonsmanagedtosewthefingerback on.外科医生成功地把手指接回去了。
- She had on anorangeskirtandpinktights.
- Putyourpyjamason now,please.
- I don't have anyshoeson.
- Thecoverwas on theswimmingpoolat thetime.
- Thebottledidn't have alidon.
On or off
- astride
- atop
- disengage
- hereon
- on boardidiom
- onto
- thereon
- thereupon
- turn
- turn over
- unlit
- upon
used to show when something isoperatingorstartingtooperate:
开着;在工作中;开始运行Could youswitchon theradio?你能把收音机打开吗?
Would youturnthe TV on?请打开电视机好吗?
- Don'tforgettoswitchtheboileron when youarrive.
- Thelightsare on, someone must be in.
- You alwaysleavethe TV on when you go out!
- Why hasn't theairconditioningcome on?
- Turn thepoweron byflickingthisswitch.
On or off
- astride
- atop
- disengage
- hereon
- on boardidiom
- onto
- thereon
- thereupon
- turn
- turn over
- unlit
- upon
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Machines - Functioning
onadverb(NOT STOPPING)
continuingor notstopping:
继续下去;不停地If her phone'sbusy,keepontrying.如果她的电话占线,继续打。
Stoptalkingandgeton withyourwork.别说话了,继续干你们的活。
If Elise would justhangon(=wait)a littlelongershe'ddefinitelyget thepromotion.要是埃莉斯愿意再多坚持一下,她肯定会得到提升的。
Thenoisejustwentonand on(=continuedfor alongtime), and Ithoughtit would neverstop.噪音一直响个不停,我想它永远也不会停的。
- IkeeponthinkingI'veseenher beforesomewhere.
- Hang on aminute- I'll be with you in amoment!
- I'llleaveyou to get on then, shall I?
- Theinstructorwent on and on about theimportanceofsafety.
- Shekeepsgoing on about howtiredshe is.
Lasting for a long time
- all-night
- ancient
- be going strongidiom
- changeless
- dateless
- full time
- immemorial
- incorruptibility
- incorruptible
- incorruptibly
- long-time
- longevity
- man and boyidiom
- never-ending
- nondurable
- sustainability
- time-consuming
- timeless
- timelessly
- timelessness
into abus,train,plane, etc., or in thecorrectpositiontostartusing some othermethodoftravelling:
上(公交车、火车、飞机等旅行交通工具)Thetrainsuddenlystartedmovingas I was getting on.我上车的时候火车突然开动了。
Herhorsegallopedoff assoonas she was on.她刚一上马,马就飞奔起来。
On or off
- astride
- atop
- disengage
- hereon
- on boardidiom
- onto
- thereon
- thereupon
- turn
- turn over
- unlit
- upon
上场表演;在演出Hurry up with themake-up- I'm on in tenminutes.赶快化妆——我10分钟后上场。
Theaudiencecheeredas thebandcame on(= came onto thestage).乐队上台的时候,观众们欢呼起来。
- Theorchestracame on to awarmround ofapplause.
- Whattimeare youdueon?
- Thelightsdimmedas thebandcame on.
- Hisjobis towarmtheaudienceup before themainactcomes on.
- Theheadlineactisdueon at ten o'clock.
Playing music
- accompaniment
- accompany
- air guitar
- beatsomethingout
- beatbox
- blow
- pick
- picksomeone/somethingout
- pitch
- play (something) by earidiom
- playability
- playable
- pump
- roof
- tap
- transpose
- transposition
- ultra-smooth
- vibe
- wah-wah
向前,前进地They neverspoketo each otherfrom thatdayon(= after thatday).从那天起他们彼此之间再没讲过话。
What are you doinglateron?你过一会儿要做什么?
When you're done with it, would youpassit on to Paul?你看完后把它传给保罗好吗?
UKMove on,please, andlettheambulancethrough.请往前挪一下,让救护车过去。
UKYoucycleon and I'llmeetyou there.你骑车向前走,我在那儿和你会面。
- Keepyourticket- you'll need itlateron.
- Genes are theinstructionsby whichparents'characteristicsarepassedon totheirchildren.
- Ihearyou'vemovedon tohigherthings.
- You go on, I'llcatchyou up.
- Wedroveon through abarren,rockylandscape.
Describing movement towards
- -wards
- -ways
- at
- convergent
- earthward
- facing
- for
- forward
- forwards
- hither
- inwards
- oncoming
- onward
- onwards
- thither
- to
- up
- ward
- way
- wise
正在发生;根据预先计划Is thepartystill onfortomorrow?明天聚会仍然举行吗?
I'mbusytomorrow, but I've got nothing on thedayafter.我明天很忙,不过后天没什么事。
I've got a lot on at themoment.我这会儿事情很多。
Food had to berationedwhen thewarwas on.战时食物必须实行定量配给。
Are there any goodmovieson(= beingshown)thisweek?这周电影院有什么好电影吗?
- UK Is there anything good on at thetheatreat themoment?
- It'sworthcheckingtoseeif thematchis still on.
- Havingfoundareplacementvenue, theconcertis now back on.
- Check thewebsitetoseewhat's on.
- Are we still on for agameoftennisthisafternoon?
Occurring and happening
- afoot
- asynchronous
- attendant
- be at workidiom
- become
- eventuate
- fall
- fall into placeidiom
- follow on
- go hand in hand withsomethingidiom
- go off
- go on
- pass
- result
- resynchronize
- roll
- roll around
- shake out
- succeed
- supervene
used whentalkingabout thepositionof one thingcomparedwith thepositionof another:
(用于表示相对位置)It'samazingnobody wasinjuredbecause the twobusescrashedheadon(= thefrontpartsof thebuseshiteach other).令人惊讶的是两辆车正面相撞,居然没有一个人受伤。
UKThebikehitourcarsideon(=hitthesideof thecarratherthan thefrontor back).自行车撞到了我们车的侧面。
UKIt would beeasierto get thebookcasethrough thedoorwayif weturneditsidewayson(=turnedit so that one ofitssidesis at thefront).如果我们把书柜侧过来,通过门道就比较容易了。
On or off
- astride
- atop
- disengage
- hereon
- on boardidiom
- onto
- thereon
- thereupon
- turn
- turn over
- unlit
- upon
On and onto are prepositions.…Idioms
be not on
be on about
be/go on atsomeone
on and off
you're on!