behaviour, afeelingor anactionthat is adirectresultof somethingelse:
反应;回应Ilovetowatchpeople's reactions when I say who I am.我喜欢观察人们在听到我说出我是谁时的反应。
There has been animmediate/widespread/hostilereactionagainstthe government'sproposedtaxincreases.人们对政府的增税计划迅速作出了反应/政府的增税计划引起了广泛的反应/政府的增税计划遭到了反对。
Reactionstotheproposalsofarhave beenadverse/favourable/mixed.到目前为止,人们对该计划一直持反对态度/表示支持/反应不一。
an answer
- answerWe're still waiting for an answer.
- reply"How far?" asked Nigel. "Not far," was the mumbled reply.
- answer105 is the correct answer.
- responseThank you for your swift response.
- reactionWhat was her reaction when she was asked for her resignation?
- retortAlan snapped back with a witty retort.
someone'sabilitytoactquicklywhen somethinghappens:
(对突发事件的)反应能力,反应灵敏度You need to havequickreactions toplaythesecomputergames.玩这些电脑游戏要反应灵敏。
[Cusually singular]
atypeofbehaviouroropinionthat isproducedorheldwith theintentionof being different from somethingelse:
反对;抗拒;对抗Herleft-wingviewsare a reactionagainsttheconservatismof herparents.她的左翼观点是对父母保守主义政见的一种对抗。
- Theprotestsare adelayedreaction to last week'sannouncement.
- Thecommitteekepttheresultsof thesurveyto itself,fearingabadpublicreaction.
- There has been amixedreaction to thechanges.
- Young people's reactions toworldeventsare often atvariancewith those oftheirparents.
- Theproposalhasreceivedagenerallyfavourablereaction.
Reacting and responding
- act onsomething
- backlash
- bat
- batsomethingback
- bite
- bite back (atsomeone/something)
- overreact
- overreaction
- pearl-clutching
- play it by earidiom
- press/pushsomeone'sbuttonsidiom
- respond
- sensitive
- strike while the iron is hotidiom
- supersensitivity
- ticklish
- toe
- ultra-sensitive
- wake
- wake up!idiom
anunpleasanteffectresultingfromeatingparticularthings or takingparticulardrugs:
Poisoning and allergy
- allergen
- allergenic
- allergic
- anaphylactic
- anaphylactic shock
- anaphylaxis
- animatedly
- fly agaric
- hypersensitivity
- hypoallergenic
- intolerance
- intolerant
- lactose intolerance
- listeriosis
- poisoner
- poisoning
- poisonous
- toxicology
- venomous
- Warfarin
reactionnoun(IN SCIENCE)
anoccasionwhen two or moresubstancesreactwith andchangeeach other:
Physical & chemical processes
- absorbable
- absorptive
- absorptive capacity
- acidification
- addition reaction
- condense
- evaporate
- evaporation
- excitability
- excitation
- excite
- exergonic
- nuclear fission
- oxidize
- recondense
- redox
- refraction
- rehydrate
- reliquefy
- solidify
reactionnoun(NO CHANGE)
thebelieforprinciplethat there should be nosocialorpoliticalchange, and theattempttostopsuchchangefromhappening:
反动;保守,守旧We must notallowreaction tostandin the way ofprogress.我们一定不能让保守主义成为前进道路上的绊脚石。
Custom, tradition & conformity
- Americanization
- anti-classical
- anti-conventional
- anti-institutional
- anti-traditional
- crowd
- custom
- demi-monde
- desi
- endogamy
- multicultural
- multiculturalism
- non-classical
- non-conservative
- non-traditional
- ultra-traditional
- unconventional
- unconventionally
- undoctrinaire
- unorthodox