quickly,immediately,willingly, or without anyproblem:
迅速地;心甘情愿地;轻而易举地He readilyagreedtohelp.他乐意帮忙。
Largersizesare readilyavailable.较大号随时都有货。
- He had notexpectedthepeopleso readily tointernalizethevaluesofdemocracy.
- Widespreadionizationoccursreadily in the earth'supperatmosphere.
- I readilyacceptedhisoffer.
- Theboardreadilyacceptedthesuggestionsof thetribunal.
- The newproposalswere readilyadoptedby thecompany.
Ready and willing
- agreeable
- amenable
- atsomeone'sbeck and callidiom
- atyourcommandidiom
- be chafing at the bitidiom
- beck
- command
- eager
- eagerly
- fain
- find it inyourheart to dosomethingidiom
- finger
- gamely
- keen
- poised
- prepared
- raring
- readiness
- ready
- shape