uk/rɪˈkʌv.ər/us/rɪˈkʌv.ɚ/tobecomecompletelywell again after anillnessorinjury:
(在疾病或受伤之后)完全恢复健康It took her alongtimeto recoverfrom/afterherheartoperation.她心脏动手术后很长时间身体才复原。
He never really recoveredfromtheshockof hiswifedying.他再也没有从丧妻之痛中真正恢复过来。
tobecomesuccessfulornormalagain after beingdamagedor havingproblems:
(在被破坏或出现问题之后)恢复正常,再获成功It took alongtimefor theeconomyto recoveraftertheslump.萧条期过后,经济花了很长时间才恢复元气。
to improve something
- improveHis health has improved dramatically since he started exercising.
- get betterThe first part of the book isn't very good but it gets better.
- rallyThe team played badly in the first half but rallied in the second.
- recoverWe are still waiting for the economy to recover.
- look upOur financial situation is looking up.
- pick upBusiness is really beginning to pick up.
to get back somethinglostorspent:
失而复得,重新得到She went into acomaanddiedwithout recoveringconsciousness.她陷入昏迷后再也没有醒过来。
She wasastonishedtoseeme, but shesoonrecovered hercomposure/herself(=soongave theappearanceof beingcalm).她见到我很震惊,但很快就镇定了下来。
Policeonly recover a verysmallpercentageofstolengoods.警方只追回了被盗货物的一小部分。
Theinitialoutlayof setting up acompanyisconsiderableand ittakesa while to recover thosecosts.创建新公司的初始费用非常巨大,要过很长时间才能收回那些成本。
- Thedoctorssay that it will take him a fewweeksto recover.
- It will beimpossibleto recover all themisappliedcharitymoney.
- Although she's recovering from herillness, herrateofprogressisquiteslow.
- Have youfullyrecovered fromyourillness?
- Helookedsurprisedbutsoonrecovered hisself-possession.
Giving, bringing or getting back
- bring
- bringsomethingback
- chargeback
- clawsomethingback
- giver
- put
- recovery
- refund
- refundable
- regain
- regrow
- reintroduce
- reintroduction
- reversion
- send
- sendsomethingback
- syndication
- takesomethingback
- turn
- turn in
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Recovering from illness