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单词 each
every thing,person, etc. in agroupof two or more,consideredseparately
When yourun, eachfootleavesthegroundbefore the other comes down.奔跑时,你的一只脚在另一只脚着地之前就离开了地面。
There are fiveleaflets-pleasetake one of each.有五种传单——请每样拿一份。
Eachand every oneoftheflowershasitsowncolourandsmell.每一种花的色彩和气味都各不相同。
We each(= every one of us)wantedthebedroomwith thebalcony, so wetossedacointodecide.我们大家都想住那间带阳台的卧室,所以只好扔硬币来决定。
Thebillcomes to £79, so that's about £10 each.账单共计79英镑,大约每人摊10英镑。
each to his/their own(alsoto each their own)
used to say that everyonelikesdifferent things
Youactuallylikemodernjazz, do you? Each totheirown.你竟然喜欢现代爵士乐,真的?真是各有所好。
each way
If you put anamountofmoneyeach way on ahorserace, you willwinmoneyif thehorseyou havechosencomes first, second, or third.
More examples
  • We have only asmallamountoffoodandclothingtodealout to eachrefugee.
  • Start bydealingeveryone fivecardseach.
  • Hecutthecakeinto sixpiecesand gave eachchildaslice.
  • Yoursalarywill bepaidon the thirdweekof eachcalendarmonth.
  • You mustconsidereachproblemas anaspectof thewhole.


Each is a determiner or a pronoun.
Each: meaning and use
We use each to refer to the individual things or persons in a group of two or more:
Each of
We use each of before other determiners and before the plural object pronouns us, you and them:
Each+ pronouns and possessives
We use each with plural pronouns and possessives, especially when we don’t want to say he/she, women/men, etc.:
Eachreferring to a subject
When we use each to refer to the subject of the clause, it usually appears in the normal mid position for adverbs, between the subject and the main verb, after the modal verb or first auxiliary verb, or after be as a main verb:
We use each to refer to individual things in a group or a list of two or more things. It is often similar in meaning to every, but we use every to refer to a group or list of three or more things.




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