aformofenergythat can beproducedin severalwaysand thatprovidespowertodevicesthatcreatelight,heat, etc.:
电;电能The electricity has beenturnedoff.电已被断掉了。
an electricitygeneratingcompany发电公司
powered/heatedby electricity电动/电热供暖
an electricitybill电费
- Undergroundcablescarryelectricity to allpartsof thecity.
- Someone hasturnedoff the electricitysupply.
- Thewindfarmmay beabletogenerateenough electricity for 2000homes.
- Ipaymy electricitybillbydirectdebit.
- Manypeoplearelivinginencampmentsaround thecitywith no electricity orrunningwater.
Electricity & electronics
- anti-static
- bitstream
- brownout
- capacitance
- chargeable
- charged
- conduct
- electromagnetism
- generate
- hydropower
- negatively
- non-electric
- non-electrical
- non-electronic
- non-polar
- photoelectric
- piezoelectric
- pylon
- resistance
- shock