Thebenefitsof thistreatmentincludeitslowcost, noncontactmodeoftherapyand the portability of theequipment.
Players of non-contactsportsoften don'tthinkabout getting a mouthguard until it's too late.
- Peoplethinkoffootballas a noncontactgame, but infact, that's not thecaseat all.
- Thecourtrulingappliedto golfers or thoseparticipatingin other non-contactsports.
- Themajorityof ACLtearsare noncontactinjuries.
- In the past,girlswere usuallyallocatednoncontactpositionsonfootballteams.
Touching & feeling
- brush
- dab
- feel
- felt
- fiddle (around) withsomething
- get to second baseidiom
- get to third baseidiom
- hand
- kinaesthesia
- kiss
- paw
- pet
- retexture
- second base
- stroke
- tactile
- texture
- third base
- touch
- toy withsomething