social sciencespecialized(alsononcontradiction)uk/ˌnɒn.kɒn.trəˈdɪk.ʃən/us/ˌnɑːn.kɑːn.trəˈdɪk.ʃən/asituationin which there is nocontradiction(= thefactthat one thing isoppositeto or very different from another, so that one of them must bewrong),especiallyin theprinciplethat astatementanditsoppositecannot both betrue:
Thelawof non-contradictionstatesthat we cannotsimultaneouslyaffirmanddenythetruthof anystatement.
When weadopttheprincipleof non-contradiction, it isimpossiblefor anything to bedefinitelytrue,accordingto somephilosophers.
- Hegelstatedthat "non-contradiction is theruleoffalsehood;contradictionis theruleoftruth".
- To the theory'sproponents,logicalnon-contradiction ispassé.
- Kimballdeftlyemployedthe mind'soldesttoolofsanityandresponsibility, theprincipleof non-contradiction.
Logic and reason
- a fortiori
- a posteriori
- a priori
- analytic
- antinomy
- illogically
- incoherently
- inductive
- inductively
- intellectual
- non-theoretical
- non-verbal
- nonscientific
- paradox
- paradoxical
- teleology
- theoretical
- theoretically
- theory
- thinking