(alsononcultivation)uk/ˌnɒn.kʌl.tɪˈveɪ.ʃən/us/ˌnɑːn.kʌl.təˈveɪ.ʃən/astateorsituationin whichplantsare notcultivated(=plantedandgrown, forexampleby afarmer):
Non-cultivation,evenwhenrentwaspaid, oftenledtoremovaloflandownershiprights.
The anti-drugprogrammeincludesincentivesfor non-cultivation offieldsforcannabis.
- Conservationagriculturerelies onpermanentsoilcoverwithgreenmanureduring the non-cultivationperiod.
- Non-cultivationproducesa moredense, lessporoustopsoil.
- Onreceiptof a non-cultivationletter, you may betemptedtopaysomeone todigover andweedyourplot.
Areas of land where crops are grown
- corn circle
- cornfield
- crop circle
- cultivated
- field
- monoculture
- non-irrigated
- orchard
- paddock
- paddy field
- plough
- ploughed
- rice paddy
- setsomethingaside
- terrace
- uncultivated
- under
- unirrigated
- vertical farm
cultivation(GROWING CROPS)