Edwards' syndrome
(alsoEdwards syndrome)uk/ˈed.wədz ˌsɪn.drəʊm/us/ˈed.wɚdz ˌsɪn.droʊm/arareand veryseriousgeneticconditionin which someone isbornwith threeratherthan two ofchromosomenumber18 in all or some oftheirbodycells:
爱德华氏综合征(全部或部分身体细胞中有三条第18号染色体)BabyLeosuffersfrom Edwards'Syndrome, whichseverelyaffectsmostorgansof thebody.婴儿利奥患有爱德华氏综合征,影响全身绝大部分器官。
trisomy 18
- If you'repregnant, you'll beofferedscreeningfor Edwards'syndromebetween 10 and 14weeksofpregnancy.
- Edwards'syndromedoes not usuallyruninfamiliesand is notcausedby anything theparentshave or have not done.
- Babiesbornwith EdwardsSyndrome, alsoknownas Trisomy 18, have anaveragelifespanof under twomonths.
- Theproblemsthatdevelopinchildrenwith Edwards'syndromevaryfromchildtochild.
- He hasspentmost of hislifeinhospitalsince he wasbornprematurelyandsufferingfrom Edwards'Syndrome, araregeneticdisorder.
- adenine
- allele
- anaphase
- biohacker
- biohacking
- biotech
- gene amplification
- genotype
- homologous
- homologue
- homozygote
- hybridization
- hybridize
- paternal
- rRNA
- segregate
- segregation
- sequence
- sex chromosome
- transgenic