theresultof aparticularinfluence:
效果;影响;结果Theradiationleakhas had adisastrouseffecton/upontheenvironment.核辐射泄漏给环境带来了灾难性的影响。
Itriedtakingtabletsfor theheadachebut they didn't have any effect.我试着吃了几片药,但头疼一点都没有减轻。
IthinkI'msufferingfrom the effects of too littlesleep.我觉得我睡眠太少,健康受到了影响。
She has a lot ofconfidence, which she usesto goodeffect(= to heradvantage)ininterviews.她很自信,在面试时她充分利用这一点,占尽了优势。
See also
the result of something
- resultHis firing was a direct result of his refusal to follow the employment policies.
- effectThe radiation leak has had a disastrous effect on the environment.
- consequenceFailure to do proper safety checks may have serious consequences.
- outcomeIt's too early to predict the outcome of the meeting.
- upshotThe upshot of the discussions is that there will be no further redundancies.
- end resultThe end result of these changes should be a more efficient system for dealing with complaints.
take effect
起作用;产生效果They had towaittenminutesfor theanaestheticto take effect before theystitchedup thecut.他们不得不等了10分钟,在麻醉剂起作用后才缝合伤口。
for effect
If you say or do something for effect, youintentionallydo it toshockpeopleorattracttheirattention:
哗众取宠;耸人听闻I get theimpressionthat she usesbadlanguageinmeetingsfor effect.我觉得她开会时说脏话是在故意引人注意。
in effect
infact, or inpractice:
实际上;事实上So in effect thegovernmenthaveloweredtaxesfor therichandraisedthem for thepoor.所以呢,实际上政府是为富人减了税,而给穷人加了税。
to that effect(alsoto the effect that)
used toexpressthat what you arereportingis only ashortandgeneralformof what was really said:
有…的意思;大意是…,意思是…She said she wasunhappy, orwordsto that effect.她说了一些她很不幸福之类的话。
- Her words had asoothingeffect.
- Thisdrugmay have the effect ofspeedingupyourheartrate.
- Iworryabout the effect thatviolentmoviesmay have onchildren.
- Certainchemicalshave beenbannedbecause oftheirdamagingeffect on theenvironment.
- It'simportanttoprotectyourskinfrom theharmfuleffects of thesun.
Outcomes and consequences
- aftereffect
- aftermath
- age
- be a monument tosomethingidiom
- bed
- end result
- fallout
- first fruit
- implication
- in
- ironically
- irony
- knock-on effect
- repercussion
- resultant
- resulting
- reverberation
- ripple effect
- sequel
- side effect
使用;实行;生效Thepresentsystemofpaymentwillremainineffect(= be used)until the end of therentalagreement.在租期结束前,将会继续采用现行的付款方式。
When do the newdrivinglawscome intoeffect?新的道路交通安全法规什么时候开始实施?
The newsalaryincreaseswilltakeeffect(=begin)fromJanuaryonwards.新的加薪标准将从1月份起正式实行。
- Theirmovementshave beenseverelylimitedsince thelawscame into effect.
- Measures toreducecrimehaveyetto be put into effect.
- The newlawwill come into effect early nextyear.
- The newratescame into effect fromJanuary.
- Itremainsto beseenwhether thegovernmentwillbringtheserecommendationsinto effect.
Using and misusing
- adopt
- adoption
- avail
- availyourselfofsomething
- be/go heavy onsomethingidiom
- exhaust
- go through
- gobblesomethingup
- make capital out ofsomethingidiom
- max
- max out
- recycle
- spare
- swallow
- tap
- trade onsomething
- turn over
- turn tosomeone/something
- turn/usesomethingto good accountidiom
- unblock
effectnoun(THEATRE, ETC.)
effects[plural](alsospecial effects)
lighting,sounds, andobjectsthat arespeciallyproducedfor thestageor afilmand areintendedto make something that does notexistseemreal:
特技效果This is amovieworthseeingforitseffectsalone.这部电影仅凭其特技效果就值得一看。
a person's possessions,especiallyaftertheirdeath:
(尤指死后遗留的)财产,财物,所有物It says on theformthat theinsurancecoversallpersonaleffects.表上写明,所有个人财产都在该保险承保范围之内。
Affect is a verb meaning ‘influence or cause someone or something to change’:…effect
formaluk/ɪˈfekt/us/əˈfekt/toachievesomething andcauseit tohappen:
使发生;实现;完成As apoliticalpartythey aretryingto effect achangein the way that wethinkaboutourenvironment.作为一个政治党派,他们正在试图改变我们关于环境的观念。
Causing things to happen
- -induced
- activate
- activation
- actuation
- agent
- attribute
- attributesomethingtosomeone
- implementation
- in
- inaugurate
- inauguration
- pioneer
- reactivate
- realization
- realize
- reattribute
- reawaken
- render
- spark
- spell
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Succeeding, achieving and fulfilling
Affect is a verb meaning ‘influence or cause someone or something to change’:…