theplanetthird inorderofdistancefrom thesun, betweenVenusandMars; theworldon which welive:
地球;世界The earthtakesapproximately3651/4daysto go round thesun.地球围绕太阳运转一周大约需要365又1/4天
Thecircushas beendescribedas thegreatestshowonearth(= in theworld).这个马戏团被誉为是全世界最棒的。
Mercury,Venus, Earth, andMarsare called "rockyplanets".水星、金星、地球和火星被称为“岩石行星”。

Vitalij Cerepok/EyeEm/GettyImages
- It was Ptolemy whopropoundedthetheorythat the earth was at thecentreof theuniverse.
- Thesatelliteslowlyrotatesas itcirclesthe earth.
- As everyschoolboyknows, the earthrevolvesaround thesun.
- Meteorites oftenburnup in theatmospherebefore theyreachthe Earth.
- Theoriesaboundabout how the earthbegan.
- albedo
- Andromeda
- Aquarius
- Aries
- asteroid
- full moon
- galactic
- galaxy
- Gemini
- geostationary orbit
- observatory
- orbit
- orbital
- penumbra
- phase
- stellar
- substellar
- sunspot
- supergiant
- supermassive
thelandsurfaceof theworldratherthan theskyorsea:
陆地,地面The earth wasshakingandpeoplerushedout oftheirhousesinpanic.地面在抖动,人们惊恐地冲出房去。
He hadenjoyedthevoyagebut washappytofeelthe earth beneath hisfeetoncemore.他旅行非常愉快,但是也很高兴回到了陆地上。
the usuallybrown,heavyandloosesubstanceof which alargepartof thesurfaceof the ground is made, and in whichplantscangrow:

Javier Román/EyeEm/GettyImages
- Theirhoofsthrewupclodsof earth as theygallopedacrossthefield.
- There was alargemoundof earth in themiddleof thefield.
- Alargewormwriggledin thefreshlydugearth.
- In thespringyoualmostfeelyou cansmellthe earth.
- I like to get myhandsin the earth when I'mgardening.
The Earth & outer space - general words
- ablate
- aeolian
- alluvium
- anti-gravity
- atmosphere
- auroral
- geo-
- geocentric
- geophysicist
- globe
- horizon
- lithosphere
- lithospheric
- mesosphere
- mesospheric
- microgravity
- the Big Bang
- the big bang theory
- the firmament
- underground
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
[Cusually singular]UK(USground)
awirethat makes aconnectionbetween apieceofelectricalequipmentand the ground, so theuserisprotectedfromfeelinganelectricshockif theequipmentdevelopsafault
地线Electrical switches & connections
- clicker
- coaxial
- corded
- dimmer
- dimmer switch
- junction box
- national grid
- outlet
- override
- patch
- pause
- plug
- plug(something)in/plug(something)intosomething
- plug-in
- powerbank
- putsomethingon
- spark plug
- switchboard
- terminal
- wire
aholein the ground where ananimalsuch as afoxlives
(狐狸等动物的)洞穴Animal dwellings - natural
- anthill
- arboreal
- biome
- burrow
- byre
- cobweb
- den
- foxhole
- guest
- habitat
- hole
- holt
- lair
- lodge
- molehill
- rookery
- sett
- spider's web
- warren
- wildlife corridor
Emphatic questions withwhateverandwhat on earth
We can ask emphatic questions using whatever or what on earth to express shock or surprise. We stress ever and earth:…Emphatic questions withwhereverandwhere on earth
We can ask emphatic questions using wherever or where on earth to express shock or surprise. We stress ever and earth:…Emphatic questions withwhoeverandwho on earth
We can ask emphatic questions using whoever or who on earth to express shock or surprise. We stress ever and earth:…Idioms
come back down to earth
cost, charge, etc. the earth
the earth moved
how, what, why, etc. on earth...
like nothing (else) on earth
verb[Tusually passive]
UKuk/ɜːθ/us/ɝːθ/(USground)to put an earth(=wire)between apieceofelectricalequipmentand the ground:
把(电线)接地You could get anastyshockfrom thatwaterheaterif it isn't earthedproperly.如果电热水器接地不良的话,可能会发生很严重的触电事故。
Electricity & electronics
- anti-static
- arc
- bitstream
- brownout
- capacitance
- chargeable
- charged
- conduct
- electromagnetism
- generate
- hydropower
- negatively
- non-electric
- non-electrical
- non-electronic
- non-polar
- photoelectric
- piezoelectric
- pylon
- resistance