ear trumpet
uk/ˈɪə ˌtrʌm.pɪt/us/ˈɪr ˌtrʌm.pət/adevicesimilarinshapeto atrumpet(= abrassmusicalinstrumentwith onenarrowend and onewideend), used in the past tohelpsomeonehearbetter:
![picture of ear trumpet picture of ear trumpet](https://dictionary.cambridge.org//images/thumb/eartru_noun_004_1169.jpg?version=5.0.287)
Science & Society Picture Library/SSPL/GettyImages
- In the 17thcentury,hearingaidscame in theformofeartrumpets.
- One of the museum'sexhibitsis aneartrumpetBeethoven used after theonsetofdeafness.
- He used aneartrumpet, but that didn'thelp.
- Hisgrandsongave him thenewsthrough hiseartrumpet.
- Perhaps you wereexpectinganelderlywidowwith aneartrumpet?
Medical dressings, supports & devices
- anti-shock
- auditory brainstem implant
- bind
- binder
- biomaterial
- biventricular pacemaker
- brace
- cotton wool
- Elastoplast
- induction loop
- kinesiology tape
- liposome
- medicine ball
- obturator
- oral implant
- plaster of Paris
- poultice
- sling
- wheelchair
- Zimmer frame