(alsononethical)uk/ˌnɒnˈeθ.ɪ.kəl/us/ˌnɑːnˈeθ.ɪ.kəl/finance & economicsspecialized
notinvestedin orrelatingtocompaniesthat areknownfor beingsociallyandenvironmentallyresponsible:
Thereportrevealedthatethicalfundsperformequallyas well as non-ethicalfunds.
Customersexpectgood, if notbetter,servicethan they would get from a non-ethicalalternative,especiallyif they arechargedmore.
notmorallyright, or notrelatingtobeliefsabout what ismorallyrightandwrong:
We would not be sokeenonfreedomofinformationif theinformationwere used in a non-ethical way.
There are many non-ethicalreasonsforpreservingnature.
- Theinvestmentfundisunashamedlynonethical.
- They wereremindedthattheirethicalorgreenstancedid notmeanthat they can get away with being any lessprofessionalthantheirnon-ethicalcompetitors.
- Manyethicalfirmstendto besmallerthantheirnon-ethicalcounterpartsand to have alowerstaffturnover.
- Evenmoralpeoplecan havemaliciousnon-ethicalpreferences.
Virtue and moral good
- altruism
- angel
- angelic
- angelically
- be as pure as the driven snowidiom
- justifiably
- justified
- loftiness
- lofty
- magnanimity
- rightly
- rightness
- saintly
- selfless
- the road to hell is paved with good intentionsidiom
- upright
- virtuous
- virtuously
- white hat
- worthiness
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Morally wrong and evil
Morality and rules of behaviour