(alsononexpert)uk/ˌnɒnˈek.spɜːt/us/ˌnɑːnˈek.spɝːt/apersonwho does not have a highlevelofknowledgeorskillrelatingto aparticularsubjectoractivity:
Thebookwas written with the non-expert inmind.
Aworkofartisviewedin one way by anexpertanddifferentlyby a non-expert.
- Thenecessarybackgroundinformationto make theresultsaccessibleto the non-expert waspresent.
- Expertscommunicatingwith otherexpertsuse differentterminologythan when theycommunicatewith non-experts.
- Non-experts with less than onehouroftrainingwereabletoprogramtherobotjust asquicklyasexpertprogrammers.
Inexperienced people and lack of experience
- apprentice
- beginner
- blind
- dilettante
- freshman
- functional illiterate
- laywoman
- lightweight
- muggle
- naïf
- neophyte
- nonspecialist
- not know the meaning of the wordidiom
- novice
- probationer
- rookie
- the blind leading the blindidiom
- upstart
- virgin
- virginity
adjective[before noun]
(alsononexpert)uk/ˌnɒnˈek.spɜːt/us/ˌnɑːnˈek.spɝːt/not having orshowinga lot ofknowledgeorskill:
In my non-expertopinion, thischangewill be a good thing.
Even non-expertuserscanfindthesoftwareveryproductive.
- Thebookgives anexceptionallyclearexplanationfor nonexpertreaders.
- They called anumberof non-expertwitnessesaspartof the defence'scase.
- Thelecturewasaimedat a non-expertaudience.
Inability and awkwardness
- accident-prone
- adorkable
- all thumbsidiom
- amateurish
- amateurishly
- for toffeeidiom
- fumble
- functional illiteracy
- gauche
- geek
- jack-of-all-trades
- jack-of-all-trades, master of noneidiom
- klutzy
- like a bull in a china shopidiom
- lost
- unable
- uncoordinated
- uneducable
- unenterprising
- unequal