(asignorsymbolrepresenting) aunitthatformspartof thesystemofcountingandcalculating:
数字25, 300, and abillionare all numbers.25、300和10亿都是数字。
She's very good with numbers(= good atadding,subtracting, etc.).她非常擅长数字运算。
A1[C](written abbreviationno.)
a number that is used tomarkaparticularexampleof something:
号码;…号Theyliveat number 34 OrchardStreet.他们住在果园街34号。
Please writeyourcreditcardnumber on thisform.请把你的信用卡号写在这张表格上。
A1[C](written abbreviationno.)
电话号码I gave him my number.我把自己的电话号码给了他。
- It's been number one in thechartsfor sixweeks.
- Is hecontactableat hishomenumber?
- Think of a number anddivideit by two.
- What is the number on thejar?
- Thedocumentnumber is in thetopleft-handcorner.
Numbers generally
- antilogarithm
- Arabic numeral
- C, c
- cardinal
- D, d
- digit
- I, i
- infinity
- L, l
- log
- logarithm
- logarithmic
- million
- mode
- nos.
- ordinal
- quantitative
- serial number
- significant figures
- whole number
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Communications - by telephone
B1[S,+ sing/pl verb]
数目;总数The numberofpeoplekilledintrafficaccidentsfelllastmonth.上个月,死于交通事故的人数有所下降。
There has beenanincreasingnumberofcasesof thedisease.患这种病的人数持续上升。
Alargenumberofinvitationshas beensent.大量请柬已经发出。
Letters ofcomplaintweresurprisinglyfewinnumber(= there were not many of them).投诉信出乎意料地少。
a number of aparticulardescription:
Newspapers areproducedinvastnumbers.报纸发行量巨大。
a number ofthings
several of aparticulartypeof thing:
几个,若干Idecidednot to go, for a number ofreasons.我决定不去,有几个理由。
[S,+ sing/pl verb]
一群人On thetrip, oneofournumberfellill.旅行期间,我们当中有个人病倒了。
- The last tenyearshaveseenadramaticfallin the number ofadoptions.
- The number ofpeopleclaimingunemploymentbenefithasrisensharplythismonth.
- It was anunpopularpolicyandcauseda number ofconflictswithin theparty.
- The number ofbusinessfailuresrosesteeplylastyear.
- Themudflatsattractlargenumbers ofbirds.
General words for size and amount
- -sized
- amount
- bulk
- content
- element
- extent
- footprint
- good things come in small packagesidiom
- level
- load
- lot
- measure
- much
- order
- percent
- quota
- ration
- small-scale
- so muchidiom
- strength
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Groups of people
aparticularcopyof amagazine:
(杂志的)期,号Do you have last week's numberofthe New Yorker?你有上周的那期《纽约客》杂志吗?
He's got all thebacknumbers(=previouscopies)ofthemagazine.他保存了这本杂志过去的所有刊本。
apieceofclothing,especiallyadress, that youadmire:
(令人欣赏的)衣服,(尤指)连衣裙She waswearingastylishDior number.她身穿一条时尚的迪奥长裙。
apersonwith aparticularcharacteristic:
具有…特征的人He's arealsexynumber, don't youthink?他真性感,你不觉得吗?
短曲;短歌Sing one of thoseromanticnumbers.唱一支那种情歌吧。
[Cusually singular]mainlyUSinformal
something that is often said:
常说之事Hetriedtheusual/thatoldnumber about how hiswifedidn'tunderstandhim.他又故技重施,诉说妻子如何不理解他。
Newspapers & magazines
- above/below the foldidiom
- annal
- anti-press
- back copy
- broadsheet
- comic
- editorial
- fold
- house journal
- house organ
- journal
- lad mag
- magazine
- organ
- reader
- sentinel
- serialize
- Sunday paper
- supermarket tabloid
- tabloid
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Clothing - general words
People in general
Musical pieces
Informal talking & conversation
When we use the word number, we refer to specific numbers:…Numbers:first,second,third
Numbers such as first, second, third are ordinal numbers. We use them to put things in an order. We most commonly use ordinal numbers as determiners. When we use ordinal numbers as determiners (before nouns), we commonly use other determiners such as articles (a/an, the) and possessives (my, your) in front of them:…Numbers:one,two,three
Numbers such as one, five, eleven, two hundred are cardinal numbers. We most commonly use cardinal numbers as determiners (before nouns). When we use them in this way, we can use other determiners such as articles (a/an, the) and possessives (my, your) in front of them. We can use cardinal numbers + of before determiners (one of my friends):…Amount of,number oforquantity of?
We use amount of with uncountable nouns. Number of is used with countable nouns:…Amount ofornumber of?
We use amount of with uncountable nouns. Number of is used with countable nouns:…A quantity oforquantities of?
Quantity is more formal than amount or number. A quantity of or quantities of can be followed by a countable noun or an uncountable noun. They are most commonly used with an adjective such as huge, big, large, small:…Idioms
any number ofthings
beyond/without number
by (sheer) force/weight of numbers
by numbers
do a number onsomeone
a numbers game
uk/ˈnʌm.bər/us/ˈnʌm.bɚ/numberverb(WRITE SYMBOL)
to give something a number in aseriesand usually to write this number on it:
给…编号;给…标号码All thefoldershave beencarefullynumbered andfiledaway.所有文件夹都被精心编号归档。
Number thepagesfromonetoten.从1到10标上页码。
Numbering & counting
- absolute value
- binary
- cash
- count
- countsomethingout
- countdown
- counter
- decimal point
- decimalization
- dendrochronology
- headcount
- numeracy
- numerate
- octal
- reckonsomethingin
- recount
- renumber
- run(something)intosomething/someone
- run tosomething
- the Fundamental Counting Principle
C2[L only+ noun]
Ifpeopleor things number aparticularamount, there are this many of them:
(数量)多达,共计有After thehurricanethehomelessnumbered over 200,000.飓风过后,无家可归者总计超过20万人。
Calculations & calculating
- algebraic
- algebraically
- algo
- algorithmic
- amount
- calculate
- calculator
- formula
- guesstimate
- interpolate
- matrix
- miscalculation
- multigrid
- multigroup
- multipole
- non-commutative
- number-crunching
- root
- triangulation
Phrasal verb