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单词 real

realadjective(NOT IMAGINARY)

existinginfactand notimaginary
Assuring thepatientthat she has a real and notimaginaryproblemis the firststep.使病人确信她真的有病,并非杯弓蛇影,这是对她进行治疗的第一步。
There is a very realthreatthat he willlosehisjob.他的确有失去工作的危险。
real earnings, income, etc.
thevalueofearnings, etc. after theeffectofrisingpricesisconsidered
Wagesroseby 2.9percentlastyear, but realearningsstillfellby 1.3percent.去年工资增长了2.9%,但实际收入却仍然下降了1.3%。
in real terms
afterconsideringthings thataffectwhat anumberoramountreallymeans, such as theeffectofrisingprices
Averageearningsrose5percentin realtermsafterdeductingincometax.在扣除收入所得税等项之后,平均收入实际增加了5%。
the real world
things as they really are, not as theyexistin theimagination, in astory, on the internet, etc.
Over-protectingchildrendoes notequipthem todealwith the realworld.过度保护孩子并不能带给他们应付真实世界的能力。
Whywastetimeonvirtualfriendships, when there arepeopleout there in the realworldwhowanttospendtimewith you?为什么要在虚拟世界的友谊上浪费时间?真实世界里就有人愿意和你一起共度时光。
See also
More examples
  • She has a realfeelforlanguage.
  • Was King Arthur a real or alegendarycharacter?
  • Politicians thesedaysare moreinterestedinplayingto thegallerythanexercisingrealinfluenceonworldevents.
  • Mostmodernkingsandqueensruletheircountriesonly in aformalway, without realpower.
  • Themainpoliticalpartiesaremerelyshadow-boxing,insteadoftacklingthe realeconomicproblemsfacingthiscountry.

realadjective(NOT FALSE)

A2[before noun]
being what itappearsto be and notfalse
Is that atoygunortherealthing?那是把玩具枪还是真枪?
[before noun]UKapproving
(especiallyoffoods)producedusingtraditionalmethodsand withoutartificialsubstances
Thepubsellsseveralkindsof realale(=traditionalbeer).那家酒馆供应好几种正宗艾尔啤酒。
for realB2informal
real, notpretended
Ithoughtit was just adrillbutapparentlyit was for real.我还以为是消防演习呢,但显然是真的失火了。
More examples
  • You can alwaystella realbowtiefrom one thatclipson.
  • "Is that realfuronyourcollar?" "Certainly not - I onlywearfakefur."
  • Thoseflowersaren't real - they're made ofplastic.
  • George Orwell was apseudonym- his realnamewas Eric Blair.
  • Itturnedout that he wasn't a realdoctorat all - he was just asham.


B2[before noun]
the mostimportant; themain
The realdifficultywas thelanguage, because mychildrendon'tspeakEnglish.真正的困难是语言问题,因为我的孩子们不会说英语。
Noveltyvaluemay be apartof it, but the realreasonpeoplelikeourpaperis that itspeaksthetruth.有创意或许是一个方面,但人们喜欢本报的最主要原因是它讲真话。
More examples
  • Knowledge oflanguagesis a realassetin thissortofwork.
  • My one realviceischocolate.
  • Creativity,ingenuityandflairare the songwriter's realtalents.
  • The realdiseaseaffectingthecountryisinflation.
  • Theproposalwasdismissedas adiversionarytacticintendedtodistractattentionfrom the realproblems.

realadjective(VERY GREAT)

B2[before noun]
used toemphasizeanoun
He's a realgentleman.他是位地道的绅士。
She was a realhelp.她真是个难得的好帮手。
It's a realnuisance.真是麻烦透顶。
More examples
  • I get a realkickout ofowningmy owncar.
  • Shepickedup some realbargainsin thesale.
  • You wererightabout Pete - he's a realtroublemaker.
  • You gave us a realscarewhen youfainted, youknow.
  • It was a realcultureshocktofindherself in London afterlivingon asmallisland.


get real!
is he/she for real?
I like thishomemadelemonade, it's real good!我很喜欢喝这种自制柠檬水,真是太棒了!
It's realeasyto do.这真的很容易做。


Chapter 13 discusses constraint programming over reals using interval constraint solving.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Finally, let us consider what happens when we move up to the reals.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The order will be induced by the standard ordering of the reals.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Tax rates did not exceed 0.05 reales per mazo and did not change throughout the period.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Denotations are included for integers, reals, booleans, characters and strings.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Since order on reals is undecidable, there is no simple uniformly applicable lattice meet operation that would always produce non-negative intervals as values.
From theCambridge English Corpus
As this proof shows, there are infinitely many non-equivalent countably based domain representations of the reals.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Edalat uses the interval domain of reals, rather than the reals, as the values of the entries in his density matrices.
From theCambridge English Corpus
However, during the 1770s it grows to 12 or 13 reales, to 14 reales in 1790, and it reaches 20 reales around 1800.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The price rises during the 1730s, and it reaches 11.5 reales in the 1740s, remaining there until 1750.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Interval constraint solving over reals has a number of subtleties which can trip up naive users and these are well explored.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Computers truncate, transforming reals and transcendentals into rational approximations.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The hacienda agreed to pay each labourer three reales per day, half the normal daily wage.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Sets satisfying these conditions include the reals, the rationals, and the rationals with finite binary expansions, the last being the smallest such set.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The collection of formal reals is extended by also allowing 'unsharp' elements, which we call partial reals.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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