uk/ˈskær.ɪ.faɪ/us/ˈsker.ɪ.faɪ/scarifyverb(BREAK UP GROUND)
to use ascarifier(= atoolwithsharppoints)tobreakup andremoveunwantedgrassorplantsthat arecoveringthesurfaceof alawn(= anareaofgrass):
(用割草机)割草,剪草,梳草It isimportantto scarifyregularlytoavoidamossyandspongylawn.有规律地剪草很重要,这样可以避免长苔藓和草坪过厚。
When is thebesttimeto scarifyyourlawn?什么时候是梳剪草坪的最佳时间?
to use ascarifier(= amachinewithsharppoints)tobreakup thesurfaceof thegroundor aroad:
(用松土机或者翻路机)刨松地面,刨去表层Theworkwillincludescarifying theasphalttoimprovetheroadsurface.这项工程将包括刨去松沥青层并改善路面。
- Thistoolsavesall the hardworkinvolvedin scarifying alawnbyhand.
- As well as scarifying toclearoutthatch, weaeratetoletairinto theturf.
- Themachinescarifies up to 46” (1168 mm)wide.
Gardening - general words
- allotmenteer
- allotmenteering
- aquaponics
- arborist
- bed
- blanch
- graft
- guerrilla gardening
- hanging basket
- hedge
- hedgerow
- hedging
- homegrown
- potsomethingoff
- potsomethingon
- potsomethingup
- prune
- repot
- scythe
- turf
to makesmallcutsin someone'sskin,especiallyforculturalreasons:
(尤指出于文化传统)在皮肤上刻痕,进行疤痕刺青Theboywas scarified, but everyeffortwas made toreducehissufferingto theminimum.这个男孩皮肤被划破留痕,但已尽可能将他的痛苦降到最低。
It would be veryshockingif asupermodeldecidedto scarify herskinin thenameofart.如果一位超模决定以艺术的名义划破自己的皮肤留下疤痕,那将令人非常震惊。
Cutting and stabbing
- abrasion
- bayonet
- butcher
- carve
- carving
- chisel
- chop
- impaler
- incise
- julienne
- lacerate
- lacerated
- shave
- sheep shearing
- slash
- sliced
- slit
- snip
- spike
- transect
tobreakinto thesurfaceof theouterpartof aseed, either bycuttingit or usingchemicals, inordertohelpit togerminate(=starttogrow):
(种子)破皮处理(通过切割或使用化学药剂使种子表面破裂,以助发芽)Once cannaseedshave been scarified, they areeasytogrow.美人蕉种子一旦经过破皮处理,就很容易发芽生长。
Seeds were scarifiedpriortosowingorlaterduringincubation.种子在播种前或晚些时候在育种期间都经过了破皮处理。
Improving fertility & pest control
- agrochemical
- ammonium sulphate
- anti-pesticide
- bonemeal
- coir
- compost
- fertilize
- Frankenfood
- fructify
- fungicide
- herbicide
- improver
- irrigate
- over-fertilize
- paraquat
- pesticide
- potash
- reclamation
- rotate
- weedkiller
toexpressstrongdisapprovalof someone,especiallyin anunpleasantorcruelway:
严厉批评,抨击He scarifiedourleadingpoliticians,seizingupontheirvulnerablepointswith adestructiveanalysisthatleftthembereftofmeritormorality.他抨击我们主要的政治人物,抓住他们的弱点,进行破坏性分析,让其价值尽失,道德全无。
His scarifyingessayswerecapableofdestroyingliteraryreputations.他那些抨击性的文章足以摧毁文学的声誉。
Disapproving & criticizing
- anathematize
- animadversion
- aspersion
- assail
- aw
- backbite
- criticism
- dim
- fault
- niggle
- nitpick
- nitpicking
- opprobrious
- peanut gallery
- people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stonesidiom
- personalization
- personalize
- philippic
- sarky
- tear