[Iusually+ adv/prep]
tomovequickly, withsmall,shortsteps,especiallyinordertoescape:
(尤指为逃脱)碎步快跑,快速移动Acrabscuttledawayunder arockas wepassed.我们走过时,一只螃蟹赶紧钻进岩石下面。
Thechildrenscuttledoffassoonas theheadteacherappeared.校长一出现,孩子们一下子都跑光了。
Moving quickly
- agility
- beetle
- bowl down/alongsomething
- buzz
- careen
- career
- fluent
- gun
- outsail
- pelt
- rush
- scamper
- scoot
- scrabble
- scramble
- scud
- shoot
- stampede
- ton
- trot
tointentionallysinkaship,especiallyyourown, inordertopreventit from being taken by anenemy
(为防止船落入敌手)凿沉,弄沉(尤指自己的船)Staying afloat, capsizing & sinking
- bail out
- buoy
- buoyancy
- buoyant
- buoyantly
- capsize
- ducking
- float
- floatation
- flotation
- founder
- ground
- keel over
- kickboard
- outrigger
- refloat
- ride
- scupper
- sunken
- waterlogged
tostopsomethinghappening, or tocauseaplantofail
阻止;破坏;阻挠Preventing and impeding
- anti-jamming
- avert
- avoid
- avoidable
- bar
- be a drag onsomeone/somethingidiom
- bottleneck
- derail
- fireproof
- hamper
- hang
- havesomeone/somethinghanging roundyourneckidiom
- head off
- hinder
- prejudice
- prevent
- preventable
- prevention
- prevention is better than cureidiom
- smother
uk/ˈskʌt.əl/us/ˈskʌt̬.əl/acoal scuttle
煤桶(同 coal scuttle)Parts of buildings: the fireplace & parts of the fireplace
- andiron
- chimney breast
- coal scuttle
- damper
- fender
- fire dog
- firebrick
- fireguard
- fireplace
- firescreen
- fireside
- flue
- grate
- hearth
- inglenook
- mantelpiece
- open fire
- open fireplace
- poker