(alsononfarmer)uk/ˌnɒnˈfɑː.mər/us/ˌnɑːnˈfɑːr.mɚ/someone who does not own or takecareof afarm:
Bothfarmersand non-farmers have beenbuyinglandin theregion.
Theseedcompanyalsosellsitsproductsto non-farmers,althoughat ahigherprice.
- Theappointmentof a non-farmer toheadtheadvisoryboardwascontroversial.
- Thepercentageoffamiliesowningfreezers,automaticwashingmachines, andcarswashigheramongfarmersthan non-farmers.
- Non-farmermembersof thetowncounciloutnumberedfarmersby three to one.
Farmers & farm workers
- crofter
- farmer
- farmhand
- homesteader
- landholder
- market gardener
- pastoralist
- peasant
- peon
- picker
- ploughman
- poulterer
- rancher
- ryot
- sharecropper
- smallholder
- squatter
- truck farmer
- yeoman