A non-fluorescentlightis not a verybright, tube-shapedelectriclightthat is often used inoffices:
They don't use any non-fluorescentlampsin thebuilding.
Non-fluorescentlightingisgenerallyconsideredtoprovidea morenaturalformoflightatconsistentlightlevels.
- Nonfluorescentlightscan also betubular, likefluorescentones.
- Iwantedto uselightsthat are non-fluorescent as Ifindfluorescentlampstoobright.
The qualities of light
- ablaze
- brightly
- brilliantly
- dazzling
- dazzlingly
- dullness
- flickering
- fluorescent
- glittery
- luminescent
- luminous
- lustrous
- moonlit
- polychromatic
- prismatic
- shining
- sparkling
- starlit
- super-bright
- ultraviolet
A non-fluorescentcolouris not afluorescentcolour(= a verybrightcolourthat can beseenin thedark):
The T-shirts can beprintedin arangeof non-fluorescentcolours.
Anydyecan be used with thismaterialaslongas it is nonfluorescent.
- Theexperimentstudiedperceptionsofsignswritten influorescentand non-fluorescentcolours.
- Thetextcan bereadunder asourceofwhitelightas the words have been written using non-fluorescentpaint.
- They havedevelopeda new non-fluorescentblackink.
The qualities of colour
- brightly
- brightness
- colourful
- colourfully
- darken
- darkness
- dusky
- flamboyance
- fluorescent
- garish
- harsh
- lurid
- non-yellowing
- pastel
- prismatic
- pure
- riot
- sombrely
- violent
- vivid