adjective[before noun]
(alsononfood)uk/ˌnɒnˈfuːd/us/ˌnɑːnˈfuːd/not foreating, orrelatingto things that are not foreating:
Thebiggestpriceincreasescame in non-foodproductsandespeciallyelectricalgoods
Thesupermarkethasseengrowthin the non-foodareainparticular.
- Somepregnantwomen have an unsualcravingtoeatnonfooditemssuch ascoal,chalk, orclay.
- Non-foodretailershave beenhardesthitby theeconomicdownturn.
- They haveinvestedheavilyinresearchtoexplorethepossibilityofproducingfuelfrom non-foodcrops.
Food - general words
- aliment
- bed
- box scheme
- carb
- carbohydrate
- cep
- delicacy
- eats
- farm box
- fast food
- fayre
- food
- grub
- mouthful
- nosh
- perishables
- portion
- produce box
- quenelle
- sustenance