Theytriedtofinda non-frozenpartof thelakein which tofish.
Someparentsinsiston only givingtheirchildrennon-frozen,healthyfood.
- Thescientistscomparedtheresultsinfrozenand non-frozencells.
- Although you canfreezeit, non-frozengarlicworksmuchbetterin thisrecipe.
- Theconcentrationin the nonfrozencontrolgroupwas muchlowerthan in thefrozensamples.
Preserving & storing food
- beeswax wrap
- bin
- biscuit tin
- bread basket
- bread bin
- crystallized
- deep freeze
- defrost
- flash-freeze
- foil
- pasteurized
- pickle
- pickled
- pickling
- plastic wrap
- tinfoil
- tinned
- tub
- Tupperware
- vacuum-packed
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Precipitation: snow & ice