theovalobjectwith a hardshellthat isproducedbyfemalebirds,especiallychickens,eatenasfood:
(食用的)蛋(尤指鸡蛋)ahard-boiled/soft-boiled egg煮得老的/嫩的鸡蛋
How do you likeyoureggs -friedorboiled?鸡蛋你想怎样吃?是吃煎的还是煮的?

anobjectthat is made in theshapeof a bird's egg:
- Mix thebutterwith thesugarand thenaddthe egg.
- Crack three eggs into abowlandmixthem together.
- Could you get mehalfadozeneggs when you go to theshop?
- We hadbaconand eggs forbreakfast.
- I like eggslightlycookedso that theyolkis stillrunny.
Dairy products & eggs
- albumen
- beurre noisette
- brown butter
- butter
- butterfat
- crème fraîche
- curd
- dairy
- Devonshire cream
- double cream
- kefir
- labneh
- lacteal
- lactic
- light cream
- skyr
- soft-boiled
- sour cream
- soya milk
- sunny side upidiom
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Spherical, circular and annular objects
anovalobject, often with a hardshell, that isproducedbyfemalebirdsandparticularreptilesandinsects, andcontainsababyanimalthat comes out when it isdeveloped:
(鸟类的)卵,蛋Thecuckoolaysher egg in another bird'snest.杜鹃将卵产在别的鸟的巢里。
After fourteendaysthe eggshatch.14天后,卵孵化了。
acellproducedby a woman orfemaleanimalfrom which ababycandevelopif itcombineswith amalesexcell:
卵,卵子;卵细胞Identicaltwinsdevelopfrom asinglefertilizedegg that thensplitsinto two.同卵双胞胎是由一个受精卵分裂发育而来的。
- Once an egg isfertilizedby thesperm, itbecomesanembryo.
- Anattempttoimplantanembryousing an egg from ananonymouswomandonorwasunsuccessful.
- Genesdeterminehow wedevelopfrom themomentthespermfuseswith the egg.
- A blackbird's egg isbluewithbrownspeckleson it.
- Inhumanreproduction, onefemaleegg is usuallyfertilizedby onesperm.
Animal reproduction
- androgen
- anti-oestrogen
- asexuality
- asexually
- barrenness
- calf
- embryology
- fertilize
- fetal
- incubate
- infertile
- procreation
- procreative
- propagation
- rebreed
- remate
- reproductive
- semen
- spawn
- spawning ground
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
The development & parts of insects
Obstetrics: processes & stages connected with sexual reproduction
have egg onyourface
put allyoureggs in one basket
walk on eggs