(alsononhostile)uk/ˌnɒnˈhɒs.taɪl/us/ˌnɑːnˈhɑː.stəl//ˌnɑːnˈhɑː.staɪl/non-hostileadjective(NOT UNFRIENDLY)
Her non-hostilereactionto thecriticismwaswidelypraised.
It is alwaysbetterto take a non-hostileapproachwhendealingwithdifficultpeople.
- I didn'texpecttheresponseto be non-hostile but was still takenabackby some of the moreviolentcomments.
- Interviewees are often taken in by hisapparentlynonhostile way ofaskingquestions.
- affability
- affable
- affably
- affiliative
- agreeableness
- conviviality
- convivially
- cordial
- cordiality
- cordially
- hospitality
- inseparable
- intimacy
- intimately
- the human touch
- togetherness
- twinkly
- warmly
- warmth
- welcoming
non-hostileadjective(NOT DIFFICULT)
notdifficult, orsuitableforlivingandgrowing:
Theseplantswillflourishifgrownin a non-hostileenvironment.
Theyhopetofindnon-hostileconditionson theplanetsurface.
- Theregionis wellknownforitsnon-hostileclimate.
Describing good weather
- be set fairidiom
- bone dryidiom
- calm
- clear
- clemency
- clement
- cloudless
- dry
- fair
- fine
- glorious
- gloriously
- mild
- mildness
- set
- summery
- sun shower
- sun-drenched
- sun-kissed
- sunny
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Fertile or infertile land
non-hostileadjective(NOT ENEMY)
notconnectedwith theenemyin awar:
Almost aquarteroffatalitieshappenedin non-hostilecircumstances.
It wasreportedthat thesoldiersdiedfrom non-hostilegunshotwounds.
- Intelligencereportsclaimedthat thegroup,althoughheavilyarmed, was nonhostile.
- Most of theincidentsin theregionhad non-hostilecauses.
- antebellum
- anti-militarism
- asymmetric warfare
- battle-scarred
- bellicose
- conflagration
- footing
- Geneva Convention
- germ warfare
- gung-ho
- scorched-earth policy
- sinew
- sinews of waridiom
- smokescreen
- the Great War
- the Second World War
- world war
- World War I
- World War II
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Violent or aggressive
relatingtosituationsin which onecompanywantstobuyanothercompanywhoseownersarewillingtosellit:
Thebanksaid that they wouldsupportthecompanyintheirpurchaseaslongas theapproachwas non-hostile.
They made a nonhostilebidfor thecompany.
- Thebusinessassumedcontrolfollowinga nonhostiletakeover.
Mergers & acquisitions
- absorb
- acquihire
- acquire
- acquisition
- acquisitive
- amalgamation
- buyout
- conglomerate
- counterattack
- denationalization
- denationalize
- fire sale
- growth-oriented
- hive
- hostile
- oligopoly
- parent
- parent company
- partnership
- spinsomethingoff