adjective[before noun]
The authority's non-housingbudgethasincreasedby 7%.
The newchiefexecutiveof thebuildingcompanycomes from a non-housingbackground.
- If theeconomycontinuestoweaken, thenumberofpeopledefaultingon nonhousingloanscouldrisemorerapidlythanexpected.
- It isimportantnot tolosesightof the non-housingneedsof theeconomyand not justbuildlotsofhouses.
- anincreasein non-housinglivingcosts
Houses & homes
- A-frame
- almshouse
- apartment
- apartment building
- door
- dorm
- dormitory
- dosshouse
- duplex
- multifamily
- Nissen hut
- old people's home
- palace
- palazzo
- tollhouse
- tower block
- town house
- townhouse
- tract house