uk/ˈnəʊ.ni/us/ˈnoʊ.ni/pluralnoniornonisafruitwithpaleyellowfleshand manysmallseeds, with astrongsmelland asourtaste, thatgrowsinsoutheastAsia,Australasia, and thePacificislands. It iseatenasfoodand used inmedicines:
Tahitian nonijuice
People from theseislandnationsuse nonifruitfor thetreatmentofjointpain.
Noni are veryhardyand can begrownjust aboutanywhere.
Nonis cansurvivedroughtsand aretolerantofhot,dryconditions.
- Noni is amedicinalplantthathelpsdifferenthealthconditionsin many differentways.
- Theroots,stems,bark,leaves,flowers, andfruitsof the Noniplantare all used inherbalremedies.
- Although nonijuicebenefitsarewidelyknown, we are only nowbeginningtounderstandhow and why itworks.
Types of fruit
- ackee
- alligator pear
- amla
- angelica
- açaí
- cooker
- cooking apple
- copra
- crab apple
- cranberry
- kumquat
- lingonberry
- litchi
- loganberry
- longan
- prickly pear
- prune
- pumpkin
- quince
- raisin