(alsononideal)uk/ˌnɒn.aɪˈdiː.əl/us/ˌnɑːn.aɪˈdiː.əl/notperfector thebestpossible:
Theteamperformedpoorlyin non-idealconditionsof aslipperypitchwith manybarepatches.
They haveperseveredwith the nonidealmethodand had somesuccess.
- Despite the non-ideallocationof thebeehives, thefarmerhasneverthelessbeenabletoharvestlargeamountsofdelicioushoney.
- Thesesubstancesdisplaynon-idealbehaviourat veryhotand verycoldtemperatures.
- Despitetheirnon-ideallifestyle, theydecidedto have ababy.
Faults and mistakes
- aberration
- Achilles heel
- adrift
- black mark
- blemish
- error
- failing
- false move
- faux pas
- flaw
- malaprop
- miscue
- misfunction
- misperception
- misprint
- that's/it'syourfuneral!idiom
- typo
- wardrobe malfunction
- weakness
- what price...?idiom