adjective[before noun]
(alsonon-immigrant)uk/ˌnɒnˈɪm.ɪ.ɡrənt/us/ˌnɑːnˈɪm.ə.ɡrənt/not having come to a differentcountryinordertolivetherepermanently:
Some nonimmigrantworkershavecomplainedthat they havelostjobstoimmigrants.
Theinternationalstudentshave come on a non-immigrantvisa.
- Theauthoritiesareconcernedabout thelargenumberof nonimmigrantvisitorswho do notleavethecountrywhen they areexpectedto.
- Thevisaallowsa non-immigrantforeignertoworkin thecountryfor up to fiveyears.
- Theteachingstaffat thecollegearelargelywhiteand nonimmigrant.
People who live or settle somewhere
- asylum seeker
- boarder
- brain drain
- city slicker
- co-resident
- frontiersman
- Georgian
- guest worker
- habitant
- illegal alien
- lodger
- Orcadian
- outflow
- overspill
- repeople
- returnee
- squatter
- villager
- welcome wagon
- year-rounder
(alsonon-immigrant)uk/ˌnɒnˈɪm.ɪ.ɡrənt/us/ˌnɑːnˈɪm.ə.ɡrənt/apersonwho has not come to a differentcountryinordertolivetherepermanently:
Immigrants and non-immigrants arerequiredtocarryproofoftheirstatuswith them at alltimes.
Thestudententeredthecountryas a nonimmigrant.
- She waspopularwith thewholepopulation,immigrantsand nonimmigrants.
- Theaverageincomefor non-immigrants issignificantlyhigherthan forimmigrants.
People who live or settle somewhere
- asylum seeker
- boarder
- brain drain
- city slicker
- co-resident
- frontiersman
- Georgian
- guest worker
- habitant
- illegal alien
- lodger
- Orcadian
- outflow
- overspill
- repeople
- returnee
- squatter
- villager
- welcome wagon
- year-rounder