someone whohopesfor oracceptsonly whatseemspossibleorlikely, and does nothopefor orexpectmore:
现实主义者;务实的人;注重实际的人I'm a realist - Iknewthere was no way I couldwin, so Iswamfor a goodfinish, forpoints.我是个现实主义者——我知道我根本赢不了,所以我只想着尽可能快地游到终点,拿到积分。
science,social sciencespecialized
someone whobelievesthat thingscontinuetoexistin theworldevenwhen no one is there toseethem:
Empiricists onlyallowobservables toqualifyas "phenomena", while realists do notimposeany suchrestrictions.
Montague was one of the new realists whopresentedanalternativeto theidealismthendominantinphilosophy.
Wise and sensible
- be a victory for common senseidiom
- cannily
- canny
- clear-headed
- discerning
- long-sightedness
- method
- neat
- neatly
- no flies onsomeoneidiom
- responsible
- responsibly
- right-minded
- sagacious
- sagaciously
- well advised
- wily
- wisdom
- wise
- wisely
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
art,literature,theatre & filmspecialized
anartist,writer, etc. whorepresentslifeas it really is,ratherthan in animaginedway:
现实主义作家(或艺术家);写实主义作家(或艺术家)More than being a realist, heconsidershimself anarrativepainter, in that there's always animpliedstoryin hispaintings.
In 1895, The Lumièrebrothers, cinema'spioneerrealists,shockedaudienceswith afilmof atrainappearingto comestraighttowards thespectators.
Representation in art & in general
- anti-realism
- anti-realist
- Calvary
- capture
- complementary
- confederate
- non-complementary
- non-representational
- non-symbolic
- perspective
- pictograph
- realism
- represent
- representation
- representational
- semiotic
- simulacrum
- symbolism
- ultrarealism
- volumetric
someone whobelievesthatpoliticsis aboutpoliticalpower, not doing therightthing orcreatingabetterworld:
Kerry was oftenportrayedas anarrowrealistuncomfortablewith themoralelementsof Americanpower.
The realistsapproachforeignpolicywith a morepragmatic, lessvisionarypointofview.
Politics - general words
- anti-capitalism
- anti-capitalist
- anti-communism
- anti-communist
- anti-fascism
- lab
- laissez-faire
- left
- left of centre
- leftist
- overstep
- parliament
- party politics
- personality cult
- pinko
- super-conservative
- Thatcherism
- the Third Way
- Tory
- Toryism
science,social sciencespecialized
inscienceandphilosophy,believingthat thingscontinuetoexistin theworldevenwhen no one is there toseethem, orrelatingto thisbelief:
Analtogetherdifferentviewofsciencehasemergedfrom the realistschool.
Thisphilosophicalthrillerisbasedon the realistnotionthat twoidenticalwomenco-existin differentcountriesafter beingbornon the sameday.
- aesthete
- aesthetic
- aesthetically
- anthropocentric
- anthropocentrism
- epistemology
- essentialism
- existential
- existentialism
- existentialist
- non-philosophical
- notional
- ontological
- ontology
- Parkinson's law
- superorganic
- syllogism
- syllogistic
- symbolism
- tabula rasa
art,literature,theatre & filmspecialized
representinglifeas it really is,ratherthan in animaginedway:
Readers who like theclearlinesof realistfictionmayfindthenovelfrustrating.
There are manytalentedrealistpainterscompetingfor the public'sattention.
Representation in art & in general
- anti-realism
- anti-realist
- Calvary
- capture
- complementary
- confederate
- non-complementary
- non-representational
- non-symbolic
- perspective
- pictograph
- realism
- represent
- representation
- representational
- semiotic
- simulacrum
- symbolism
- ultrarealism
- volumetric
believingthatpoliticsis aboutpoliticalpower, not doing therightthing orcreatingabetterworld, orrelatingto thisbelief:
From theviewpointof a realistpoliticianlike Bismarck, suchdangerousenterpriseshad thepotentialtobecomepoliticalnightmares.
The realistviewofpowerhas beenparticularlyinfluentialin theUnitedStatesamong foreign-policypractitioners.
Politics - general words
- anti-capitalism
- anti-capitalist
- anti-communism
- anti-communist
- anti-fascism
- lab
- laissez-faire
- left
- left of centre
- leftist
- overstep
- parliament
- party politics
- personality cult
- pinko
- super-conservative
- Thatcherism
- the Third Way
- Tory
- Toryism