Thesoapcontainsnaturalingredientsthat are non-toxic and non-irritant.
Unlike otherbrands, thislotioncontainsonly onetypeof nonirritantsunscreen.
- Thesoftsiliconecatheterissafeand nonirritant.
- Amaterialisrequiredthat is non-toxic and non-irritant, haslowwaterabsorption, and does notsupportthegrowthof micro-organisms.
- Thesprayisclearandalmostinvisible, non-irritant and doesn'tstickto theskin.
- If youexpectaprolongedperiodof intubation postoperatively,selectasuitablenon-irritanttube.
- Theseeyedropsare of a non-irritanttyperecommendedfor theprotectionof theeyesfrom apollutedenvironment.
Pain & painful
- -racked
- agonizing
- be murder onsomethingidiom
- brain freeze
- cluster headache
- dull
- dully
- dysmenorrhea
- excruciating
- grief
- groan
- neuralgia
- pang
- rawness
- sciatic
- sharpness
- soreness
- sting
- stitch
- tingle