(alsononlawyer)uk/ˌnɒnˈlɔɪ.ər/us/ˌnɑːnˈlɔɪ.jɚ/apersonwho is not alawyer:
She was the only non-lawyer on the eight-memberpanel.
As a nonlawyer, he will rely onexpertlegaladvice.
Non-lawyerpoliceofficersoftenfindthemselves up againstexperienceddefencecounsel.
- We aregladto have non-lawyers such asteachersandsocialworkerson thecommitteebecause theybringahelpfulbreadthofknowledge.
- Theboardwill have several non-lawyers asmembers.
- Thecourtsaid thelawwas sovaguethat a nonlawyer would have toguesswhether givingcertaintypesofadvicewould becriminal.
- Thefirmrelies onparalegalsand other non-lawyers on thestafftoperformmuch of theresearchandclericalwork, but thosestaffmembersare notauthorizedto givelegaladviceto aclient.
Lawyers & legal officials
- amicus
- articled
- attorney
- attorney general
- bailiff
- counsellor
- draftswoman
- firm
- I rest my caseidiom
- KC
- paralegal
- probation officer
- procurator
- procurator fiscal
- prosecution
- super-firm
- superlawyer
- take silkidiom
- tribune