languagespecialized(alsononlexical)uk/ˌnɒnˈlek.sɪ.kəl/us/ˌnɑːnˈlek.sɪ.kəl/notrelatingto words andtheirmeanings,especiallyasincludedin adictionary:
Theeditorsaddedthousands of non-lexicalitemsto thedictionary,includingbiographicalandgeographicalentries.
Foreaseofreading, repetitions,pauses, and non-lexicalutterances(ums, uh huhs) have beenexcluded.
- You willfindalistofcollegesanduniversities, along with other nonlexicalinformation, in the backsectionof thedictionary.
- The singer'smusicis oftenfilledwith non-lexicalutterances.
- Thechorusof thesongcan besungbyrepeating"la" or any otherkindof non-lexicalsyllable.
- The poet's spoken-wordperformanceinvolvesa lot ofwhistles,clickingof thetongue, and other nonlexicalsounds.
- Brandnamesthat had notbecomegenericwereconsideredas nonlexical andomittedfrom thedictionary.
Linguistics: very & extreme
- abjectly
- abundantly
- beyond
- biblical
- blankly
- completely
- desperately
- extreme
- highly
- jolly
- positive
- rank
- raving
- screamingly
- smack
- spectacularly
- such
- terrible
- unutterably
- wonderfully