Aplanetis a nonluminousbodygravitationallyboundto the Sun or astar.
If weplacea wire-gauzecapover thegasjet, itburnswith a non-luminousflame.
- Asmallamountof asaltisheatedin a non-luminous Bunsenflame.
- Non-luminousobjectsdo not havetheirownsourceoflightenergyandhencecannotemitlight.
- Thisdifferenceis muchgreaterin theluminousraysoflightthan in the non-luminous.
Giving out light
- afire
- albedo
- beam
- bioluminescence
- brighten
- burnished
- candlelit
- flicker
- glimmer
- glitter
- illuminate
- noctilucent
- non-glare
- out-glitter
- pearlescence
- pearlescent
- reflected ray
- shine
- spotlight
- wink
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