(alsononmainstream)uk/ˌnɒnˈmeɪn.striːm/us/ˌnɑːnˈmeɪn.striːm/not having, using, orfollowingtheideas,beliefs, etc. that areacceptedby mostpeopleor being among the things that arelikedorpreferredby mostpeople:
Theartscentrescreensnon-mainstream and non-English-languagefilms.
People here are not verytolerantof nonmainstreamviews.
- Westernmedicinehas not done a goodjobofevaluatingnon-mainstreamtherapies, she said.
- Theradiostationlikestopromotenonmainstreamartistsandmusiciansonindependentlabels.
- We arecommittedtopublishingtheworkof nonmainstreamwritersandwritersofcolour.
Unique and unusual
- accidental
- alt-
- alternative
- be marked out assomethingidiom
- be one of a kindidiom
- guerrilla
- incongruous
- inimitable
- irreplaceable
- larger than lifeidiom
- quaintly
- quaintness
- quirkiness
- quirky
- random
- uniquely
- unmatchable
- unmatched
- unparalleled
- unrivalled