mainlyUS(alsononmatriculated)uk/ˌnɒn.məˈtrɪk.jə.leɪ.tɪd/us/ˌnɑːn.məˈtrɪk.jə.leɪ.tɪd/notformallyadmittedtostudyat auniversityorcollege:
Hespentasemesterat the University of Iowa as a non-matriculatedstudent.
Sheattendedthecollegeon a non-matriculatedbasis.
You can take non-matriculatedclassesat thecityuniversity.
- If a non-matriculatedstudentlaterdecidesthat theywanttopursueadegree, then they must re-apply andfulfilall of theentrancerequirementsformatriculatedstudents.
- The student's non-matriculatedstatusisindicatedontheirtranscriptand otherrecordskeptby theuniversity.
- Students that are non-matriculated are noteligibletoreceivefinancialaidfrom theinstitution.
University & college education
- academe
- academia
- anti-university
- beadle
- business school
- go up
- grad
- graduate
- hall
- honour
- Oxon
- pass degree
- poly
- polytechnic
- post-college
- the groves of academeidiom
- trimester
- varsity
- vice chancellor
- warden