uk/enˈdem.ɪk/us/enˈdem.ɪk/especiallyof adiseaseor acondition,regularlyfoundand verycommonamong aparticulargroupor in aparticulararea:
(尤指疾病或情况)地方性的;(在某地或某些人中)特有的,流行的Malaria is endemicinmany of thehotterregionsof theworld.疟疾流行于世界上许多气候较炎热地区。
Thediseaseis endemicamongBritishsheep/tomany Britishflocks.这种疾病在英国羊只中/很多英国羊群中流行。
There is endemicracism/poverty/violencein many of the country'scities.该国很多城市中,种族主义猖獗/贫困现象普遍/暴力肆虐。
happening or seen often
- commonWorking from home has become increasingly common.
- rifeViolence was rife throughout the city.
- commonplaceEarthquakes are a commonplace occurrence in California.
- be two/ten a pennyUKGood designers are two a penny, but great designers are worth their weight in gold.
- be a dime a dozenUSThose cheap little metal cars are a dime a dozen. You can get them anywhere.
Disease & illness - general words
- acute
- aggressiveness
- autoimmune disease
- bilharzia
- bluetongue
- calculus
- hypochondriac
- iatrogenic
- ill health
- impairment
- incurably
- outbreak
- pathology
- pathway
- terminally
- uncomplicated
- variant
- worried well
- zoonosis