adjective[before noun]
uk/ˌend.əvˈlaɪf/us/ˌend.əvˈlaɪf/End-of-lifeissuesrelateto someone'sdeathand thetimejust before it, when it isknownthat they arelikelytodiesoonfrom anillnessorcondition:
More of thebabyboomergenerationare nowfacingend-of-lifedecisions.婴儿潮一代中越来越多的人面临着生命终结前的抉择。
Death and dying
- be as dead as a doornailidiom
- bereave
- bite
- bleed out
- buy the farmidiom
- cadaveric
- death toll
- depart this lifeidiom
- die off
- drown
- ghost
- morbid
- necrophiliac
- perch
- predecease
- push
- remains
- shuffle off this mortal coilidiom
- starvation
- watery graveidiom