释义 |
benefitnoun(ADVANTAGE)B1[CorU]ahelpfulor goodeffect, or somethingintendedtohelp: 利益,好处;优势 Thediscoveryofoilbroughtmany benefits to thetown.石油的发现给该镇带来很多利益。 One of the many benefitsofforeigntravelislearninghow tocopewith theunexpected.学会如何应付突发事件是海外旅游的众多益处之一。 He's hadthebenefitofanexpensiveeducationandyethecontinuestoworkas awaiter.他接受过昂贵的教育,但却继续做一名服务员。 I didn'tget/derive(much)benefitfromschool.我没从学校学到(多少)东西。 With the benefitofhindsight(=helpedby theknowledgelearnedlater)it iseasyfor us toseewhere we wentwrong.通过事后反省,我们比较容易认清自己所犯的错误。 formalShedrinksa lot less now,to thebenefitofherhealthas awhole.她现在酒喝得少多了,整个身体健康状况也有所改善。 [C,usually plural]anadvantagesuch asmedicalinsurance,lifeinsurance, andsickpay, thatemployeesreceivefromtheiremployerinadditiontomoney: (雇主为员工提供的)福利政策(如医疗保险、人寿保险、病假补助方案等) Inadditionto mysalary, I get apensionandmedicalbenefits.除工资以外,我还有退休金和医疗保险。 - "He says he's doing it forourbenefit." "Hmm, I'm still notconvinced."
- Little benefit willaccrueto London from the newroadscheme.
- With the benefit ofhindsight, I should have taken thejob.
- Women'srightsgroupshavecriedout against theproposedcutin benefitpaidtosinglemothers.
- Shestudiedeveryeveningandreapedthe benefit atexamtime.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMaking things better - add salt tosomethingidiom
- allay
- alleviate
- alleviation
- ameliorate
- cultivate
- liven(something)up
- lubricate
- make a differenceidiom
- make a world of differenceidiom
- makesomeone/somethingover
- relieve
- revitalize
- revivify
- revolutionize
- salvage
- salve
- save the dayidiom
- sharpen
- tonic
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: benefitnoun(MONEY FROM GOVERNMENT)[CorU]UK(USusuallybenefits)themoneygiven by thegovernmenttopeoplewho needfinancialhelp, forexamplebecause they cannotfindajob: (政府)补助金,救济金 unemploymentbenefit失业救济金 I'monbenefits at themoment. If they could notprovethey werelookingforwork, they couldlosetheirbenefit.如果他们不能证明正在找工作,就会失去救济金。 We canhelpyoufindout if you canclaimbenefits. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSocial security & state benefits - AFDC
- anti-welfare
- basic income
- be on reliefidiom
- child benefit
- family allowance
- family credit
- giro
- housing benefit
- income support
- means test
- sickness benefit
- sign(something)off
- social security
- social welfare
- unemployment
- unemployment benefit
- universal credit
- welfare
- welfare state
See more results » benefitnoun(EMPLOYEE EXTRAS)[C]something such as apensionorhealthinsurancethat anemployeereceivesinadditiontotheirsalary(=money): (员工得到的)补助,额外收入(如退休金、健康保险金等) Management istryingtocutemployeepayandbenefits.管理层正试图消减员工薪金和补助。 There are manywaysyou can useretirementbenefits torecruitthebestworkers.你可以通过很多方式,利用各种退休补助,招聘到最好的员工。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesGrants & allowances - anti-subsidy
- benny
- cost-of-living allowance
- dearness allowance
- expense
- featherbedding
- fellowship
- fringe benefit
- old age pension
- parachute payments
- pension
- personal allowance
- pin money
- redundancy payment
- scrappage
- stipend
- subsidized
- subsidizer
- unemployment benefit
- weighting
See more results » benefitnoun(EVENT)[C]aneventsuch as aconcert,performance, etc. that isorganizedinordertoraisemoneyforpeoplein need: 义演、义赛、义卖 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesEvents and occurrences - -athon
- back story
- be (all) part of life's rich tapestry/pageantidiom
- binge
- brush
- car wash
- chain
- date night
- edition
- epiphenomenon
- episode
- goings-on
- occasion
- occurrence
- past
- proceedings
- reoccurrence
- saga
- spree
- thing
See more results » Idiomgivesomeonethe benefit of the doubt B2to behelpedby something or tohelpsomeone: 得益,受惠;使受益;对…有帮助 Ifeelthat I have benefitedgreatlyfromherwisdom.我觉得,从她的睿智中我获益颇多。 How can we benefit those who most needourhelp?我们如何帮助那些最需要帮助的人? Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto help someone - helpCan I help you get that?
- aidThe project is designed to aid poorer countries.
- assistThe army arrived to assist in the search.
- collaborateWe collaborated on the project.
- cooperateSeveral countries are cooperating in the relief effort.
- benefitThe children have benefited greatly from the new facilities.
See more results » - Ifeelthat I have benefitedgreatlyfrom herwisdom.
- There arewidevariationsin the waypensionershave benefited from thesystem.
- Everyone benefited from theshare-outof theprofits.
- The newlawwill benefit manyhomeowners.
- Theyarguedthat thetaxwillmainlybenefit therich.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMaking things better - add salt tosomethingidiom
- allay
- alleviate
- alleviation
- ameliorate
- cultivate
- liven(something)up
- lubricate
- make a differenceidiom
- make a world of differenceidiom
- makesomeone/somethingover
- relieve
- revitalize
- revivify
- revolutionize
- salvage
- salve
- save the dayidiom
- sharpen
- tonic
See more results » (Definition ofbenefitfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)benefitnoun(ADVANTAGE)B1[CorU]ahelpfulor goodeffect, or somethingintendedtohelp 利益,好处;优势Thediscoveryofoilbroughtmany benefits to thetown.石油的发现给该镇带来很多利益。 One of the many benefitsofforeigntravelislearninghow tocopewith theunexpected.学会如何应付突发事件是海外旅游的众多益处之一。 He's hadthebenefitofanexpensiveeducationandyethecontinuestoworkas awaiter.他接受过昂贵的教育,但却继续做一名服务员。 I didn'tget/derive(much)benefitfromschool.我没从学校学到(多少)东西。 With the benefitofhindsight(=helpedby theknowledgelearnedlater)it iseasyfor us toseewhere we wentwrong.通过事后反省,我们比较容易认清自己所犯的错误。 formalShedrinksa lot less now,to thebenefitofherhealthas awhole.她现在酒喝得少多了,整个身体健康状况也有所改善。 [C,usually plural]anadvantagesuch asmedicalinsurance,lifeinsurance, andsickpay, thatemployeesreceivefromtheiremployerinadditiontomoney (雇主为员工提供的)福利政策(如医疗保险、人寿保险、病假补助方案等)Inadditionto mysalary, I get apensionandmedicalbenefits.除工资以外,我还有退休金和医疗保险。 - "He says he's doing it forourbenefit." "Hmm, I'm still notconvinced."
- Little benefit willaccrueto London from the newroadscheme.
- With the benefit ofhindsight, I should have taken thejob.
- Women'srightsgroupshavecriedout against theproposedcutin benefitpaidtosinglemothers.
- Shestudiedeveryeveningandreapedthe benefit atexamtime.
benefitnoun(MONEY FROM GOVERNMENT)[CorU]UK(USusuallybenefits)themoneygiven by thegovernmenttopeoplewho needfinancialhelp, forexamplebecause they cannotfindajob (政府)补助金,救济金unemploymentbenefit失业救济金 I'monbenefit at themoment.我目前靠救济金生活。 If they could notprovethey werelookingforwork, they couldlosetheirbenefit.如果他们不能证明正在找工作,就会失去救济金。 We canhelpyoufindout if youqualifyfor any benefits.我们可以帮助你确认你是否有资格领取救济。 benefitnoun(EMPLOYEE EXTRAS)[C]something such as apensionorhealthinsurancethat anemployeereceivesinadditiontotheirsalary(=money) (员工得到的)补助,额外收入(如退休金、健康保险金等)Management istryingtocutemployeepayandbenefits.管理层正试图消减员工薪金和补助。 There are manywaysyou can useretirementbenefits torecruitthebestworkers.你可以通过很多方式,利用各种退休补助,招聘到最好的员工。 benefitnoun(EVENT)[C]aneventsuch as aconcert,performance, etc. that isorganizedinordertoraisemoneyforpeoplein need 义演、义赛、义卖benefitconcert慈善音乐会 Idiomgivesbthe benefit of the doubt B2to behelpedby something or tohelpsomeone 得益,受惠;使受益;对…有帮助Ifeelthat I have benefitedgreatlyfromherwisdom.我觉得,从她的睿智中我获益颇多。 How can we benefit those who most needourhelp?我们如何帮助那些最需要帮助的人? - Ifeelthat I have benefitedgreatlyfrom herwisdom.
- There arewidevariationsin the waypensionershave benefited from thesystem.
- Everyone benefited from theshare-outof theprofits.
- The newlawwill benefit manyhomeowners.
- Theyarguedthat thetaxwillmainlybenefit therich.
benefit| American Dictionary[C]It was agiveawayto therich, he said, and not something that’s a benefit to mostAmericans. [U]Shewantedhermoneyto be used for the benefit of(= tohelp)poorchildren. social studiesA benefit is also ahelpfulservicegiven toemployeesinadditiontotheirpayor to someoneelsewhoneedshelp: [C]health/medicalbenefits [C]I’mcollectingunemploymentbenefits. A benefit is also apartyor othereventthat has thepurposeofraisingmoney. benefit
[I]I havebenefitedgreatlyfrom herwisdom. (Definition ofbenefitfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)benefit| Business English[C]ahelpfulor goodeffect: Thediscoveryofoilbroughtmany benefits to thetown. get/receive the benefit (of sth)Whoreceivedthe benefit of thespending? To getthefullbenefit, thisplanshould beviewedas along-terminvestment. reap the benefits (of sth)Theindustryisreapingthe benefits of anincreaseinconsumerconfidence. economic/financial/environmental/health benefitsThetownis alreadyreceivingtheeconomicbenefits of the newshoppingcentre. along-term/short-term/immediatebenefit anadded/additionalbenefit [CorU]GOVERNMENT,FINANCEin somecountries,moneythat is given by thegovernmenttopeoplewho cannotfindajob, are toosicktowork, etc.: As anunemployedmother, you canclaimbenefits. I'mon benefitat themoment. unemployment/disability/housingbenefit abenefitclaimant [C,usually plural]HRadvantagessuch asmedicalinsurance,lifeinsurance, andsickpay, thatemployeesreceivefromtheiremployerinadditiontomoney: Forworkingparents,childcarecan be one of the mostvaluableemployeebenefitsacompanyoffers. Thecompanyoffersagenerousbenefitspackagethatincludesprivatehealthcareand afreeon-sitegym. [C]INSURANCEpaymentfrom aninsurancepolicyor apensionplan: Lastyear, the UKinsuranceindustrypaidoutnearly£188 million everydayinpensionandlifeinsurancebenefits. 50 is theearliestagethelawallowspeopletoreceivetheirpensionbenefits. Hiswifewillreceivehisfullbenefitswhen hedies. See alsoaccelerated death benefit accident and health benefit accrued benefits child benefit cost-benefit cost-benefit analysis death benefit defined-benefit disability benefit employee benefit flexible benefit plan fringe benefit housing benefit incapacity benefit industrial injuries benefit maternity benefit sickness benefit soft benefit state benefit taxable benefit unemployment benefit welfare welfare benefit [I]to behelpedby something: Investors will benefit becauseouradviserswill beabletoofferhighqualityadvice. benefit from sthManyoilcompaniesbenefited from therisingpriceofcrudeoil. The newtravelscheme,offeringfreetravel, benefitspeopleover theageof 60. (Definition ofbenefitfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofbenefitbenefit Cost utility analysis permits the cost of treatment to be considered according to the amount ofbenefitafforded to the patients.From theCambridge English Corpus But far too often there is risk of serious direct harm when a rigorous assessment of benefits and harms is undertaken.From theCambridge English Corpus On the other hand, each form has its own unique onset and rime, which means that no form benefits from phonetic consistency.From theCambridge English Corpus A basic requirement in studies of the benefits of a psychological treatment is information on the conduct of the therapy itself.From theCambridge English Corpus First we set out the benefits of such a system and evaluate its compatibility with psychological constraints.From theCambridge English Corpus Psychological inquiry into human prejudice processes also benefits from adaptationist principles.From theCambridge English Corpus A challenge in responding to such requests is in determining the comparative benefits and risks of different stem cell transplant methods.From theCambridge English Corpus As a result, interested parties can estimate the present value of the pension benefits.From theCambridge English Corpus However, relatively littlebenefitmay be felt within the school because these roles are fulfilled in an extra-curricular context.From theCambridge English Corpus I think there is evidence, and this is more difficult to measure, that research benefits teaching.From theCambridge English Corpus If timber price were to fall by a third, then benefits are still comparable to half the proceeds of logging being invested.From theCambridge English Corpus These improvements could also complement and even enhance the benefits of drugs that help with the symptoms of dementia.From theCambridge English Corpus The collection would have benefited from a synthesis of the many insights and contrasting patterns to be found in the country-specific chapters.From theCambridge English Corpus It allows both systems to be developed in parallel, with benefits of scale for any subsequent commercialisation.From theCambridge English Corpus Business groups, as a specific subtype of concentrated interests, canbenefitfrom firms' structural power.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. CollocationswithbenefitbenefitThese are words often used in combination withbenefit. Click on a collocation to see more examples of it. accrued benefit The initial account balance, however, does not have to be at least the present value of the participant's accrued benefit. From theCambridge English Corpus added benefit As an added benefit, this also simplifies the implementation of substitution in our compiler. From theCambridge English Corpus additional benefit There was a significant additional benefit following training with a high fidelity birth training mannequin compared with traditional training mannequins. From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/benefit## |